Sorghum vulgare Plus Azospirillum lipoferum and Rhizobium tropici with NH4NO3 at 50% Reduce N2O Releasing

Volume: 10 | Issue: 2 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Environmental Chemistry
Received Date: 07/10/2024
Acceptance Date: 07/21/2024
Published On: 2024-09-26
First Page: 14
Last Page: 19

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By: Juan Manuel Sánchez-Yáñez, Martha Elizabeth Vargas Hernández, Dora Alicia Pérez-González, and Roberto Guerra-Gonzalez

1Professor, Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Chemical Biological Research Institute, Ed-B3, C.U., EdB3, University City, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Mújica S/N, Col. Felicitas del Rio, CP. 58030, Morelia, Michoacán
2Graduate Student, Environmental Microbiology Laboratory, Chemical Biological Research Institute, Ed-B3, C.U., EdB3, University City, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Mújica S/N, Col. Felicitas del Rio, CP. 58030, Morelia, Michoacán
3Research Profesor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Francisco J. Mújica S/N, Col. Felicitas del Rio, CP. 58030, Morelia, Michoacán, México
4FES, Zaragoza, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Av. Guelatao 66, Ejercito de Oriente, INDECO, ISSSTE, Iztapalapa, 09320, Ciudad de México. CDMX. México.
5Translational Research Institute Dr. Tetsuya Ogura Fuji. A.C. 58,000, Morelia, Michoacán, México.


Sorghum vulgare, a gramineae of commercial value, requires NH4NO3 for healthy growth, that in excess causes loss of soil productivity and the release of N2O, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. An alternative solution to reduce and optimize NH4NO3 with: Azospirillum lipoferum and Rhizobium tropici. The objective of this work was: to analyze the effect of A. lipoferum and R. tropici 50%. For this, A. lipoferum and R. tropici were inoculated in S. vulgare in a hydroponic system in Leonard jars, under a randomized block experimental design with 5 treatments and 5 repetitions each. The response variables were percentage (%) of germination, aerial and root phenology; plant height and root length, biomass: aerial fresh weight and radical fresh weight, experimental data were analyzed by Tukey. The results showed 100% germination of S. vulgare with A. lipoferum and R. tropici statistically different numerical value compared to the 75% S. vulgare used as relative control (RC) with 100% NH4NO3 not inoculated. S. vulgare to seedling aerial dry weight (ADW) with A. lipoferum and R. tropici was 0.90g statistically different numerical value compared to 0.35g ADW of S. vulgare used as RC. At the flowering level, S. vulgare with A. lipoferum and R. tropici reached 3.17g of radical dry weight (RDW), a statistically different numerical value compared to the 1.59g of RDW of S. vulgare with 100% NH4NO3 not inoculated. It was evident that the integration of the metabolic capacity of A. lipoferum combined with the analogue of R. tropici, generated sufficient phytohormones to increase the capacity of S. vulgare for maximum uptake of NH4NO3, but non compromising its healthy growth, that avoiding lost soil fertility, contamination of surface water and aquifers, especially the release of N2O greenhouse gas partly responsible for global warming. Concludes that A. lipoferum and R. tropici in S. vulgar, through a synergistic action, optimized NH4NO to 50%.



How to cite this article: Juan Manuel Sánchez-Yáñez, Martha Elizabeth Vargas Hernández, Dora Alicia Pérez-González, and Roberto Guerra-Gonzalez, Sorghum vulgare Plus Azospirillum lipoferum and Rhizobium tropici with NH4NO3 at 50% Reduce N2O Releasing. International Journal of Environmental Chemistry. 2024; 10(2): 14-19p.

How to cite this URL: Juan Manuel Sánchez-Yáñez, Martha Elizabeth Vargas Hernández, Dora Alicia Pérez-González, and Roberto Guerra-Gonzalez, Sorghum vulgare Plus Azospirillum lipoferum and Rhizobium tropici with NH4NO3 at 50% Reduce N2O Releasing. International Journal of Environmental Chemistry. 2024; 10(2): 14-19p. Available from:


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