Gender equality – A promise to attain sustainable development

Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology
Received Date: 01/30/2024
Acceptance Date: 02/20/2024
Published On: 2024-03-20
First Page: 48
Last Page: 53

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By: Jagruti Patel


Abstract: “There are no passengers on the spaceship earth, we all are crew” says Marshall Macluhan. Some plays major roles, some minor – but we all together contribute significantly to achieve sustainable development. The term sustainability can be defined as promising one another not to damage or harm our natural resources, our rich culture and our healthy traditions. It is also about accepting the change – positive change and be ready to develop new thinking, new perception, better behavior and a much healthier society. Sustainable development of a country thus depends upon freedom to all people to have their say in decision making process. It is about how can all men as well as women help handling global issues of climate change, poverty, conversation of natural resources, education, environment etc. Therefore, gender equality is most crucial to achieve sustainable development. As an educator I think there are ways and ways to promote gender equality through education. By implementing free education program for girl child, providing scholarships, developing easy admission system for girls, decreasing fees, introducing courses / lessons that promote gender equality, encouraging women empowerment program at school and college level, providing mentoring support and supporting research on women empowerment we can bring awareness about the important contribution women can make towards sustainable future. It is a fact that a nation can govern and conserve fundamental resources and purport sustainable progress only with empowering women. Assistance of women can help in capacity building. Their active involvement in decision making can lead to better resource governance. More and more small industries and cottage industries are set up that invest in care work to create jobs and acknowledge the obligations of women. When the world is looming with challenges and dying resources we all must wake up and take up the play card, ‘An equal world is an empowered world’.

Keywords: Sustainable, Empowering women, women empowerment, Empowerment, Cultural productions.



How to cite this article: Jagruti Patel, Gender equality – A promise to attain sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology. 2024; 07(01): 48-53p.

How to cite this URL: Jagruti Patel, Gender equality – A promise to attain sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology. 2024; 07(01): 48-53p. Available from:


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