Publication Steps

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  1. Article Details

    1. Add Title : Title of the Article
    2. Journal: Select The Journal Name
    3. Co Authors     : add the all authors detail here by typing their name
      1. Add New : If the author is not available then please add them by clicking on add new and submit the popped page after filling up all the details.
    4. Volume   : Enter the Volume Number  
    5. Issue     : Enter The Issue Number
    6. Year     : Enter the Publication Year
    7. References : References in Number list
  2. Right Side

    1. Tag : type all the keywords by separating with comma(,)
    2. Select Journal Archive (The title of Journal Archive)
    3. Select Manuscript type
    4. Publication Type
    5. Upload the Feature Image (if no image then select the journal image from the gallery)
  1. Meta Details

    1. Received Date: Date of Article Received
    2. Accept Date : Date of Acceptance
    3. Publication Date  : Date of Publication Online  
    4. ISSN
    5. Reference Images    : Upload the ref images if available  by clicking on Add File : 
    6. DOI
  2. PDF Details

    1. Upload PDF     : Upload the article PDF by clicking on Add File
    2. PDF url     : Pest the pfd url of the article
      1. To Find pdf url click on edit option in uploaded PDF
      2. Update the original author
      3. copy the link and update the edits
    3. First Page    : !st page of article in PDF
    4. Last Page     : Last Page of article in PDF
  3. Authors and Coauthors

    1. Add all the authors in author section in right side

Note: Please edit the PDF and update the author
