IJWRE V-10 I-01 2024

Assessment of Uncertainty on Estimation of Peak Flood Discharge Using LN2 Distribution for River Tapi at Sarangkheda

Ciil Jounal

Subscription | Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year : 2024

Hybrid Engineering System for Freshwater Production

Ciil Jounal

Subscription | Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year : 2024

Impact of Landslides on Water Resource Management: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

Ciil Jounal

Subscription | Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year : 2024

Sustainable Groundwater Exploitation: A Case Study of Ado-Ekiti Community in Southwestern Nigeria

Ciil Jounal

Subscription | Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year : 2024

Utilizing Remote Sensing and GIS for Water Quality Monitoring

Ciil Jounal

Subscription | Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year : 2024

Editor In Chief

Dr. RajPal Singh Kushwah

Professor and Dean Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj University Panvel Navi Mumbai.

Journal Manager

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