Dr. Muhammad Shafiq (Editor)

[email protected] | +92-923411039072
University of the Punjab in department at University of the Punjab
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan 54590, Lahore Punjab Pakistan 54590
Editor in International Journal of Environmental Chemistry
Editor International Journal of Agrochemistry


  1. Laila U, Nazir A, Bareen FE, Shafiq M. Role of composted tannery solid waste and its autochthonous microbes in enhancing phytoextraction of toxic metals and stress abatement in sunflower. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2023 Jan 28;25(2):229-39. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15226514.2022.2070597
  2. Younas H, Nazir A, Latif Z, Thies JE, Shafiq M, Bareen FE. Biosorption potential and molecular characterization of metal-resistant autochthonous microbes from tannery solid waste. Archives of Microbiology. 2022 Oct;204(10):651. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00203-022-03238-5
  3. Ain QU, Shafiq M, Nazir A, Bareen FE. Fertilizer perspective of biochar and compost derived from biomass of Parthenium hysterophorus in the rice wheat system in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 2023 Jun 15;46(10):2434-50. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01904167.2022.2155555
  4. Nazir A, Sarfraz W, Allah D, Khalid N, Farid M, Shafiq M, Bareen FE, Rizvi ZF, Naeem N. Synergistic impact of two autochthonous saprobic fungi (A. niger and T. pseudokoningii) on the growth, ionic contents, and metals uptake in Brassica juncea L. and Vigna radiata L. under tannery solid waste contaminated soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2023 Jan 11:1-3. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15226514.2023.2166457
  5. Nazir A, Shafiq M, Bareen FE. Fungal biostimulant-driven phytoextraction of heavy metals from tannery solid waste contaminated soils. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 2022 Jan 2;24(1):47-58. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15226514.2021.1924115
  6. Javeed F, Nazir A, Shafiq M, Scholz M. Industrial water treatment within a wetland planted with Hemarthria compressa and subsequent effluent reuse to grow Abelmoschus esculentus. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2022 Feb 1;45:102511. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214714421005985