International Journal of Concrete Technology
Editor Overview
ijct maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.
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About Journal
International Journal of Concrete Technology [2456-8317(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that covers topics related to advancement in concrete technology starting from concrete plants, and concrete mixers to reinforced concretes. The Journal publishes both experimental as well as theoretical articles and review papers that can create an impact on the research community.
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Latest Article
Analyzing Strength Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
Rahul Mewada
Impact of Silica Fume on High-Strength Concrete
Ciil Jounal
Optimizing Concrete Properties with Partial Replacement of River Sand by Used Foundry Sand
Ciil Jounal
Structural Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Ciil Jounal
Utilization of Waste Groundnut Shell Ash in Zero Cement Concrete
Amit Rai

Editor In Chief
Dr. Visalakshi Talakokula
Professor,Department of Civil Engineering, Mahindra University, Hyderabad,India