International Journal of Immunological Nursing
Editor Overview
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About Journal
International Journal of Immunological NursingĀ is a peer reviewed Journal. It majorly focuses towards the publication of current Research/Review works carried out in the area of Immunology and Nursing with a special emphasis on autoimmunity, immunotherapy, reproductive immunology and vaccines. The Journal covers all major areas involved in Nursing care and Infectious Disease management.
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
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Latest Article
A Comprehensive Review on Insulin Resistance
Muhammad Kaleem Ullah
A Study to Assess the Side Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy with a View to Develop Educational Program Regarding Home Care Management for Prevention of Side Effects of ART Among HIV Positive Patients in ART Clinic at PGIMS, Rohtak
kavita choudhary
Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Intervention on Understanding Leptospirosis Prevention Among Farm Workers in Rural Mysuru
Sheela Kaddimani
Exploring Knowledge, Awareness, and Implementation of Infection Prevention Measures Among Healthcare Professionals in a Tertiary Care Center in Kalaburagi
Mahaboobsaheb Ganjal
Insights into Health-related Behaviors amid HPV Infection: A Thorough Examination Utilizing the Health Belief Model
Ankita Jacob

Editor In Chief
Dr. Ramesh Kumari
Principal Mai Bhago College of Nursing, Chak Banwalipur, Punjab 143411, India