Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
Received Date: 07/05/2024
Acceptance Date: 09/25/2024
Published On: 2024-10-05
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By: s. Roopa and T K Sreedevi

1 M. Sc Nursing, 2nd Year, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, PES College of Nursing, Andhra Pradesh, India
2Associate Professor, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India.


Back ground of the study The purpose of this study is to assess the psychological impact on quality of life among alcoholics and to find out the correlation between depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life among alcoholics. Aim: of this study is to assess the psychological impact on quality of life among alcoholics at tertiary care teaching hospital Kuppam. Methods: Research Approach: A descriptive correlational research design employs a quantitative approach to examine relationships between variables without manipulating them. Study setting: Tertiary care Teaching Hospital Kuppam, Sampling Technique: Non-probability purposive sampling. Sample Size: 129 alcoholics. Independent Variables: It refers to psychological impact (depression, anxiety, stress) among alcoholics by using of scales. Dependent variables: It refers to the alcoholics. Tools: It consists of 2 parts, they are; 1. Demographic variables, 2. Depression, anxiety, scale (DASS) containing 21 questionnaires, 7 for depression, 7 for anxiety, 7 for stress was administered; the collected data were analysed and interpreted, WHOQOL-BREF scale was used to assess the quality of life among alcoholics. Method of data collection: Data collection was conducted through interviews. Conclusion: The main objective of the study is to correlate and assess the psychological impact on quality of life among alcoholics, by using DASS 21 standardized scale and WHOQOL- BERF scale at tertiary care teaching hospital Kuppam. The statistical examination demonstrated a moderate inverse relationship between depression and quality of life in alcoholics, as well as a similar moderate inverse correlation between anxiety and quality of life, both significant at a level of 0.000. Additionally, a robust moderate correlation was observed between stress and quality of life among alcoholics, significant at a level of 0.00.

KEY WORDS: Assess , Psychological Impact , Quality Of Life,  Alcoholics



How to cite this article: s. Roopa and T K Sreedevi, A CORRELATIONAL STUDY TO ASSESS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG ALCOHOLICS AT TERTIARY CARE TEACHING HOSPITAL KUPPAM. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(02): -p.

How to cite this URL: s. Roopa and T K Sreedevi, A CORRELATIONAL STUDY TO ASSESS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE AMONG ALCOHOLICS AT TERTIARY CARE TEACHING HOSPITAL KUPPAM. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(02): -p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/a-correlational-study-to-assess-the-psychological-impact-on-quality-of-life-among-alcoholics-at-tertiary-care-teaching-hospital-kuppam/


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