A study to assess the perception, practices and the factors influencing hand hygiene among 2nd and 3rd year B.sc nursing students posted in the Medical Surgical Unit at a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore.

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
Received Date: 05/14/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/03/2024
Published On: 2024-06-16
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By: Naorem Seilani Devi and Jessy Jacob


There are millions of workers in the healthcare industry. Though the health care includes doctors, laboratory technicians and physiotherapist, nurses are the major workforce in a healthcare industry. The number of patients admitted to the hospital is also increasing every year due to the rise in communicable and non-communicable diseases. The inadequate knowledge and practice of hand hygiene by the health care workers can leads to many healthcare associated infections to the patients. Therefore exploring nursing students’ knowledge and attitude toward hand hygiene are of high importance to public health policy makers and medical educators. The findings of perception showed that all the subjects 60 (100%) had positive perception towards hand hygiene. Regarding the practice majority 58 (96.67%) of the subjects exhibited adequate practice regarding hand hygiene when soap and water is used whereas only 45 (75%) of the subjects exhibited adequate practice when hand rub is used. Regarding the factors influencing hand hygiene ,the findings revealed that 35(58%) of the subjects practiced hand hygiene due to the influence of clinical supervisors, 29(48%) of the subjects practiced hand hygiene due to the display of posters and 23(38%) of the subjects practiced hand hygiene due to the fear of getting infection from the hospital. Whereas 24(40%) of the subjects did not perform hand hygiene due to unavailability of hand hygiene materials, 13(22%) of the subjects failed to practice hand hygiene because they felt that wearing gloves negated the need of hand hygiene, 12(20%) of the subjects did not practice hand hygiene due to inconvenient location of hand hygiene fascility,10(17%) of the subjects did not practice hand hygiene due to the lack of hospital protocols, 8(13%) of subjects did not practice hand hygiene due to emergency, forgetfulness and pressure of work .Similarly 7(12%) of the subjects did not perform hand hygiene due to unpleasant cleaning products. It was found that the baseline variables such as age, gender, year of study and allergic history did not show any statistically significant association with hand hygiene practice using hand rub or soap and water and there was no correlation between perception and practices.

Keywords: hygiene, Hand hygiene perception, Hand hygiene practice, Knowledge of hand hygiene



How to cite this article: Naorem Seilani Devi and Jessy Jacob, A study to assess the perception, practices and the factors influencing hand hygiene among 2nd and 3rd year B.sc nursing students posted in the Medical Surgical Unit at a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore.. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): -p.

How to cite this URL: Naorem Seilani Devi and Jessy Jacob, A study to assess the perception, practices and the factors influencing hand hygiene among 2nd and 3rd year B.sc nursing students posted in the Medical Surgical Unit at a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore.. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): -p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/ijnspr/article=6917


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