Comparative Study of Effect of Weight, Time and Temperature on Extracted Oil Recovered from Some Mango Seed

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing
Received Date: 06/14/2024
Acceptance Date: 07/05/2024
Published On: 2024-07-26
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By: C. P. Ukpaka

Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University Port Harcourt, PMB 5080. Rivers State, Nigeria.


This research was used to evaluate and characterised the product obtained from a unique process called mechanothermal extraction/distillation process of 3 mango seeds materials (opioro, Enugu and Benue Species) of 3 species each for the production of oil. The oil obtained from the process will serve as raw materials and be useful in the following areas: Pharmaceutical, chemical and food processing industries respectively. The quality and quantity of the oil produced was analysed and the obtained results were attributed to the species of the raw materials used in the extraction /distillation processes. The research reveals the species of mango seeds of 3 species (opioro, Enugu and Benue Species), The functional parameters analysed for the purpose of determining its properties include refractive index, density, viscosity, iodine value, peroxide value, saponification values, freefatty acid, proximate, Broactive properties and glycerine compositions for chemical and food processing industries. The refractive index determination of the 3 species of mango seeds oil showed as Enugu Species: 1.3728; Opioro Species 1.34827 and Benue Species 1.34431. The other results for 3 species of Mango Seeds showed density Enugu 1.1072, Opioro 1.34827 and Benue 1.34431g/cc. Viscosity Enugu 0.1995cst, Opioro 2.282cst and Benue 2.149cst. Iodine Value Enugu 13.70, Opioro 13.201 and Benue 16.62. Saponification value Enugu 18.513, Opioro 17.111 and Benue 8.35% Free fatty acid enugu 32.26, Opioro 25.86% and Benue 18.69%. Peroxide value Enugu 80.01, Opioro 85.0, and Benue 40.0% Acid value Enugu 1.46, Oporo 1.35 and Benue 0.982%.



How to cite this article: C. P. Ukpaka, Comparative Study of Effect of Weight, Time and Temperature on Extracted Oil Recovered from Some Mango Seed. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2024; 10(01): -p.

How to cite this URL: C. P. Ukpaka, Comparative Study of Effect of Weight, Time and Temperature on Extracted Oil Recovered from Some Mango Seed. International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2024; 10(01): -p. Available from:


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