Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Intervention Program on Teachers’ Understanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Selected Schools of Srinagar

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
Received Date: 01/04/2024
Acceptance Date: 03/01/2024
Published On: 2024-03-05
First Page: 25
Last Page: 29

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By: Perkash kour and Jasleen kaur


Introduction: As per the ICDS, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by a state where the primary symptom involves a subjective compulsion, which one feels compelled to resist, leading to actions, contemplation of ideas, recollection of experiences, or contemplation of abstract topics. While the disorder may start in childhood, it more frequently initiates during adolescence or early adulthood, and affects both men and women equally. The current study sought to assess the efficacy of an educational intervention program on OCD among teachers in selected schools. Objectives: The study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and the impact of an educational intervention program on obsessive-compulsive disorder among school teachers. Moreover, it aimed to investigate the correlation between teachers’ pre-test knowledge scores and specific demographic factors. The research employed a pre-experimental design, specifically a one-group pre-test and post-test approach. Data were gathered from 30 teachers using a self-structured questionnaire and non-probability purposive sampling. The analysis of the data aligned with the study objectives involved the use of both descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings: The study’s results indicated that, initially, 24% of participants had poor knowledge, and 76% had good knowledge about OCD in the pre-test. However, after the post-test, 97% demonstrated good knowledge, and only 3% exhibited poor knowledge. A substantial increase of 27.86% in knowledge was observed among teachers who underwent the educational intervention program. Conclusion: The conclusion drawn was that the post-test knowledge scores were significantly elevated compared to the pre-test scores following the implementation of the educational intervention program.

Keywords: Effectiveness, knowledge, obsessive-compulsive disorders, teachers, teaching programme



How to cite this article: Perkash kour and Jasleen kaur, Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Intervention Program on Teachers’ Understanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Selected Schools of Srinagar. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): 25-29p.

How to cite this URL: Perkash kour and Jasleen kaur, Evaluating the Impact of an Educational Intervention Program on Teachers’ Understanding of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Selected Schools of Srinagar. International journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2024; 10(01): 25-29p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/ijnspr/article=5682


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