Impact of Landslides on Water Resource Management: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Water Resources Engineering
Received Date: 05/03/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/29/2024
Published On: 2024-06-30
First Page: 21
Last Page: 28

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By: Birendra Kumar Singh

Professor, Department Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India


Heavy rainfall often causes water to accumulate at the base of mountains, leading to soil saturation
and the formation of mud with significantly diminished shear strength. This weakened soil condition
cannot withstand the shear stress imposed by the weight of the mountain, resulting in slope instability
and subsequent landslides. Such landslides not only pose risks to infrastructure and human safety but
also have substantial effects on water resource management. Landslides disrupt natural water flow,
cause sedimentation in water bodies, and lead to the contamination of water sources. Sediment and
debris carried by landslides can clog rivers, reservoirs, and dams, diminishing their capacity and
efficiency. This reduction can lead to decreased water supply for agricultural, industrial, and domestic
uses and increase the risk of flooding. Furthermore, the sudden influx of sediment can deteriorate water
quality, making it unsuitable for consumption and harming aquatic ecosystems. To mitigate these
impacts and ensure the sustainability and safety of water resources in affected areas, effective
management strategies must be implemented. These strategies include slope stabilization techniques,
enhanced drainage systems to prevent water accumulation, and early warning systems to predict and
respond to potential landslides. Additionally, integrated watershed management practices that consider
land use, vegetation cover, and soil conservation can help reduce the occurrence of landslides and their
adverse effects on water resources. Addressing the challenges posed by landslides can enhance the
resilience of water resource management systems and protect the communities and ecosystems that rely
on these vital resources.



How to cite this article: Birendra Kumar Singh, Impact of Landslides on Water Resource Management: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies. International Journal of Water Resources Engineering. 2024; 10(01): 21-28p.

How to cite this URL: Birendra Kumar Singh, Impact of Landslides on Water Resource Management: Challenges and Mitigation Strategies. International Journal of Water Resources Engineering. 2024; 10(01): 21-28p. Available from:


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