Multi Label Sentiment Analysis of Covid Handling of Government through Tweets

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication
Received Date: 05/20/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/04/2024
Published On: 2024-06-20
First Page: 26
Last Page: 31

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By: Sayed Abdulhayan, Mohammed Arshad, Mohammed Bashith Ali, Muhammad Ajmal P.M, and Irfaz Ahmed

Sayed Abdulhayan, Assistant professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PACE Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Mohammed Arshad,Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PACE Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Mohammed Bashith Ali, Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PACE Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Muhammad Ajmal P.M., Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PACE Mangalore, Karnataka, India
Irfaz Ahmed , Student, Department of Computer Science Engineering, PACE Mangalore, Karnataka, India


Determining someone’s emotional state from a written text might be challenging, but it’s crucial because textual expressions often transcend the use of emotion terminology. They emerge from the way concepts are seen and relate to one another inside the text. Text sentiment recognition is a critical skill for human-computer interaction. Text-based emotion recognition still requires further research, despite significant progress in speech and facial expression emotion detection. expressions and movements. In essence, emotion detection in text texts is a content-based classification task that incorporates ideas from machine learning and natural language processing. The methods for emotion detection and recognition based on textual data are covered in this study.

Keywords: Textual emotion detection, emotion word ontology, human-computer interaction, tweet



How to cite this article: Sayed Abdulhayan, Mohammed Arshad, Mohammed Bashith Ali, Muhammad Ajmal P.M, and Irfaz Ahmed, Multi Label Sentiment Analysis of Covid Handling of Government through Tweets. International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication. 2024; 10(01): 26-31p.

How to cite this URL: Sayed Abdulhayan, Mohammed Arshad, Mohammed Bashith Ali, Muhammad Ajmal P.M, and Irfaz Ahmed, Multi Label Sentiment Analysis of Covid Handling of Government through Tweets. International Journal of Broadband Cellular Communication. 2024; 10(01): 26-31p. Available from:


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