Predictive Modeling of Dengue Mosquito Populations Using Artificial Neural Networksfor Effective Zapping Solutions

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits
Received Date: 05/28/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/17/2024
Published On: 2024-06-25
First Page: 27
Last Page: 36

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By: Bassalel Biju, Amaldev H., Mohammed Rezin S., B. Sivaganga, Abdhulla Navas, and Thasreef H.R.

1-5-Students, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Perumon, Kollam, Kerala, India
6-Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering Perumon, Kollam, Kerala, India


 The World Mosquito Programme highlights the significant global threat posed by dengue fever, estimating that over half of the world’s population is at risk, with approximately 390 million cases reported annually. In 2023, India witnessed a substantial increase in dengue cases, recording over 270,000 cases compared to 74,000 in 2017. Dengue Virus (DENV) transmission occurs through Aedes Aegypti Mosquito bites, and with no specific treatment or vaccine available, effective management and prevention are crucial for public health. To address this, an engineering solution is proposed to eliminate Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes, primarily found in areas such as harbours and stagnant waters. The solution involves an electric fence equipped with UV LED technology to attract mosquitoes, with captured images analysed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques. The suggested approach seeks to transform conventional mosquito control techniques by utilizing AI and image processing technologies. By training the network with images of Aedes Aegypti and similar species, mosquitoes are accurately identified and subjected to electrification upon detection, facilitated by a Raspberry Pi supporting the ANN technology. This innovative approach aims to mitigate the risk of dengue transmission in high-risk areas such as hospitals, residential buildings, and communal spaces.

Keywords: Dengue fever, Aedes Aegypti Mosquito, Image processing, ANN technology, Raspberry Pi.



How to cite this article: Bassalel Biju, Amaldev H., Mohammed Rezin S., B. Sivaganga, Abdhulla Navas, and Thasreef H.R., Predictive Modeling of Dengue Mosquito Populations Using Artificial Neural Networksfor Effective Zapping Solutions. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits. 2024; 10(01): 27-36p.

How to cite this URL: Bassalel Biju, Amaldev H., Mohammed Rezin S., B. Sivaganga, Abdhulla Navas, and Thasreef H.R., Predictive Modeling of Dengue Mosquito Populations Using Artificial Neural Networksfor Effective Zapping Solutions. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits. 2024; 10(01): 27-36p. Available from:


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