By: Vijayreddy Vandali and Madivalappa Nagarahalli
Cardiovascular diseases are the significant cause of frequent deaths in recent days across the globe and also rapidly rising cases in India, irrespective of age group, caste, creed, economic status, lifestyle, etc. Globally, cardiovascular diseases account for 31% of the mortality rate. According to findings from the Global Burden of Disease study, India exhibits an age-standardized cardiovascular disease death rate of 272 per 100,000 individuals, which surpasses the global average of 235. In England, cardiovascular diseases are responsible for nearly 34% of all deaths, while the European Union sees this figure rise to approximately 40%. The global prevalence of cardiovascular disease is anticipated to escalate due to the increasing incidence of risk factors in regions previously considered low-risk. Presently, 80% of cardiovascular disease-related deaths occur in developing nations, with cardiovascular disease expected to become the primary cause of mortality in most developing countries by 2030. The World Health Organization approximates that over 75% of premature cardiovascular disease cases can be prevented through the mitigation of risk factors, thereby offering a means to alleviate the escalating burden of cardiovascular disease on individuals and healthcare systems
Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases, coronary artery diseases, age, gender, lifestyle, exercise, diet pattern, mortality, World Health Organization, sedentary lifestyle, prevention
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