Review Article on: Nanoemulsion based intranasal drug delivery to Brain

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International journal of Nanobiotechnology
Received Date: 04/15/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/11/2024
Published On: 2024-06-19
First Page: 17
Last Page: 24

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By: Vrushali R. Somvanshi, Sandip A. Tadavi, and Sunil P. Pawar


The bloodbrain barrier (BBB) controls and restricts the entry of therapeutic medications because it plays a critical role in protecting the brain from toxins.Nasal medicine administration allows for immediate drug delivery into the brain through the nose-to brain pathway.avoiding both the first pass impact and the blood-brain barrier. Various novel and promising formulation approaches have been explored for drug targeting to the brain by nasal administration. Nanoemulsions have the potential to avoid problems, including low solubility, poor bioavailability, slow onset of action, and enzymatic degradation. The present review highlights research scenarios of nanoemulsions for nose-to-brain delivery for the management of CNS ailments classified on the basis of brain disorders and further identifies the areas that remain unexplored. The significance of the total dose delivered to the target region, biodistribution studies, and long-term toxicity studies have been identified as the key areas of future research. Direct access to the brain through the nasal route is made possible by the maxillary and nasal nerves, which are located in the upper part of the nose cavity.Nanoemulsions are formulations used in the field of nanomedicine.They consist of emulsions (typically, oil in water), which are then combined with one or more surfactants and, in the end, cosurfactants that are added in the form of small, highly surface area droplets. Promising formulations for intranasal drug administration that can reach the brain are nanoemulsions.This review focuses the present situation in literature regarding the use of nanoemulsions for nose-to-brain targeting, with particular attention to recent publications. Nasal nanoemulsions appear to be effective, non-invasive and safe drug delivery systems to achieve brain targeting for the treatment of neurological diseases.

Keywords: Intranasal, Blood brain barrier,Drug delivery,Nanoemulsions, Brain delivery



How to cite this article: Vrushali R. Somvanshi, Sandip A. Tadavi, and Sunil P. Pawar, Review Article on: Nanoemulsion based intranasal drug delivery to Brain. International journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2024; 10(01): 17-24p.

How to cite this URL: Vrushali R. Somvanshi, Sandip A. Tadavi, and Sunil P. Pawar, Review Article on: Nanoemulsion based intranasal drug delivery to Brain. International journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2024; 10(01): 17-24p. Available from:


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