Smart Monitoring of Vibration in CNC Turning Tool Holders: Arduino-Based Sensor Interface

Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing
Received Date: 03/26/2024
Acceptance Date: 04/02/2024
Published On: 2024-06-29
First Page: 7
Last Page: 27

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By: Sushil V. Ingle, D.N. Raut, and Amit S. Patil

1. HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MET Institute of Engineering, Nashik India
2. Assistant Professor , Department of Production Engineering, VJTI College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, Matunga (E), Mumbai, India.
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MET Institute of Engineering, Nashik, India


Vibrations are a common problem in CNC turning operations, affecting the machine tool’s overall performance and productivity. The geometrical accuracy and surface quality are reduced as a result of repeated vibrations, reducing tool life. Vibrations can now be sensed and responded, thanks to new advancements in electronic technology. The goal of this research work is to use a 3D accelerometer(sensor) to measure vibrations and determine the value of vibration and its causes by analyzing data on specific axes to take corrective action. Collecting vibration data while doing turning operation was needed to understand the impact of vibrations on Tool life & surface roughness. To capture vibration on the tool holder while turning, a 3D accelerometer (sensor) was attached or mounted on tool holder. The sensor attached to tool holder is connected to Arduino UNO, Arduino is connected to laptop. With the help of software and the Programme we can get the live reading of vibration while doing turning operation. Thus, real-time data on vibrations while turning will be available for analysis, with the use of electronic technology. After determining the vibration data the causes of vibrations, will be known to us. Then by variation in machining process parameters and reducing the causes of vibrations, we can improve the tool performance and quality of machining.

Keywords: CNC Turning, Vibrations, Surface quality, 3D Accelerometers, Machining parameters, Sensors.



How to cite this article: Sushil V. Ingle, D.N. Raut, and Amit S. Patil, Smart Monitoring of Vibration in CNC Turning Tool Holders: Arduino-Based Sensor Interface. International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing. 2024; 10(1): 7-27p.

How to cite this URL: Sushil V. Ingle, D.N. Raut, and Amit S. Patil, Smart Monitoring of Vibration in CNC Turning Tool Holders: Arduino-Based Sensor Interface. International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing. 2024; 10(1): 7-27p. Available from:


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