Cost-Effective Smart Surveillance Using ESP32 and Cloud Connectivity

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits
Received Date: 05/29/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/15/2024
Published On: 2024-06-25
First Page: 1
Last Page: 9

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By: Nigade Shweta Uttam, Renuse Pranali Bapu, Shirke Kranti Baburao, and S.I. Nipanikar

1,2,3-Students, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Shri. Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangawadi, Maharshtra, India

4-Professor, Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Shri. Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Dhangawadi, Maharshtra, India


The world is expanding quickly, which has led to an increase in attacks and burglaries. As a result, having a trustworthy and efficient surveillance security system is now essential to meeting all security requirements and improving the quality of human life. Computers and CCTV cameras are used in the current security systems. Along with requiring a lot of memory due to continuous recording and the labor-intensive nature of detecting unauthorized activity, these surveillance security systems also do not allow for instantaneous alerting. Therefore, we focused our research on the burglary aspect of surveillance, where the camera will detect motion while the owner is away and instantly notify the user when it does. The use of ESP32 is efficient in comparison to current surveillance systems because of Homes, personal offices, and bank lockers may all use this structure. The framework functions best in small areas and when the owner is not present in the place being utilized. This is so that the system can identify any movement taking place in the area.

Keywords: Wi-Fi, PIR Motion sensor, ESP32, Intrusion, Notification, Smart Surveillance.



How to cite this article: Nigade Shweta Uttam, Renuse Pranali Bapu, Shirke Kranti Baburao, and S.I. Nipanikar, Cost-Effective Smart Surveillance Using ESP32 and Cloud Connectivity. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits. 2024; 10(01): 1-9p.

How to cite this URL: Nigade Shweta Uttam, Renuse Pranali Bapu, Shirke Kranti Baburao, and S.I. Nipanikar, Cost-Effective Smart Surveillance Using ESP32 and Cloud Connectivity. International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital integrated circuits. 2024; 10(01): 1-9p. Available from:


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