Solar Powered Water Trash Collector

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization
Received Date: 06/13/2024
Acceptance Date: 07/05/2024
Published On: 2024-08-14
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By: Adarsh A.P., Unni M.R., Muhammed Aneef, and Rafi Fathima

1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, India
2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, India
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, India
4. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Younus College of Engineering and Technology, India


The design and deployment of a solar-powered trash collecting bot that uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology and Arduino for remote control and monitoring are given in this paper, The initiative is being carried out to assist clean the environment, notably swimming pools, by using renewable energy, specifically the sun, as a more efficient power source, The boat has two motors, an L298N motor driver, an HC-05Bluetooth module, an ESP2866 Node MCU, an Arduino Uno, two batteries, and a solar panel The prototype is constructed up of the following parts: a solar panel, a battery, Styrofoam, a fine screen, and a de motor, A 5V solar panel is connected to a battery, which is also connected to a 3, 7V DC motor, The motor is then hooked to a pulley, which is connected to the shaft, The shaft is attached to the pulley, which turns the shaft’s rotating motion into thrust, which propels the robot, The goal of this project is to create an efficient and eco-friendly system for collecting floating debris in bodies of water, ultimately contributing to environmental conservation and pollution reduction.



How to cite this article: Adarsh A.P., Unni M.R., Muhammed Aneef, and Rafi Fathima, Solar Powered Water Trash Collector. International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization. 2024; 10(01): -p.

How to cite this URL: Adarsh A.P., Unni M.R., Muhammed Aneef, and Rafi Fathima, Solar Powered Water Trash Collector. International Journal of Renewable Energy and its Commercialization. 2024; 10(01): -p. Available from:


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