By: Ms. Madhuri Rameshwar Sontakke
Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT)-powered idea of “smart cities” is changing urban environments and fundamentally altering how cities operate. An overview of the Internet of Things’ revolutionary potential in relation to smart cities is given in this abstract. Smart Cities are urban settings that use data, digital technology, and Internet of Things (IoT)-connected devices to improve productivity, sustainability, and the general well-being of its residents. The Internet of Things (IoT), which is a network of connected sensors and gadgets, is essential to achieving these goals. In this abstract, we delve into key aspects of Smart Cities powered by IoT: Infrastructure and Connectivity: IoT infrastructure forms the backbone of Smart Cities, enabling seamless communication between devices, sensors, and central systems. We explore the importance of robust connectivity and the role of technologies like 5G in facilitating real-time data transmission: As Internet of Things devices proliferate, security and privacy issues become critical. We discuss these issues and emphasize the significance of effective data protection and cybersecurity procedures. As Internet of Things devices proliferate, security and privacy issues become critical. We discuss these issues and emphasize the significance of effective data protection and cybersecurity procedures. A Smart City is not just about infrastructure; it’s also about engaging citizens in the decision-making process. We discuss how IoT-powered applications and platforms empower residents to actively participate in city governance, making cities more responsive to their needs.
Keywords: Smart City, Infrastructure, Internet of Things, Disaster Management, urban landscape.
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