Chemical Treatments to Modify the Surface of Agricultural Waste Fibers as a Green Substitute to Cellulosic Fiber Treatment

Surface Modification and Performance Evaluation of Biologically Degummed Lady’s Finger Bast Fibers

A Review of Examining the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for the Automotive Sector

Fatigue Performance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Nanocomposites Modified Using Core-Shell Rubber Particles and Nanosilica

A Comprehensive Study of ZnxFe2–xO3 Nanocomposite for the Applications of Medical, Photocatalytic, and Solar Cells

Design and Development of Semiconductor Nanocomposites for Photoelectrocatalytic Applications

Physico-Mechanical and Degradation Properties on Agro-Waste Based Polymer Composites Reinforced with Banana Bunch Fiber

Polymer-based Nanocomposite Material for Packaging Highly Perishable Dairy Foods: A Review

A Review Paper on Novel Lipid Nanoparticles for Enhanced Bioavailability of Bioactive Compounds in Breast Cancer Cell Lines

Review of Biomedical Polymer Nanocomposites Progress

Investigations into the Features and Attributes of Low-Density Polyethylene/Thermoplastic Sago Starch Composites


Dr. Neelanchali Asija Bhalla

Dr. Subhasis Roy

Ms. Aastha Dutta


Dr. Kalpesh V Bhavsar

Dr. Biswarup Chakraborty

Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR-CLRI)

Dr. M. Suguna Lakshami

United States of America.

Dr. Pulkit Garg


Dr. A. O. Surendranathan


Dr. Prema K. H.


Dr. Shamima Hussain