For Reviewer

Who are Reviewers

The role of a reviewer in academic journals is to evaluate the quality and validity of submitted manuscripts. Reviewers are typically experts in the field relevant to the manuscript, and their job is to assess whether the research is sound, original, and contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

The reviewer's primary responsibility is to provide feedback to the editor and the authors. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript's strengths and weaknesses and suggest improvements or changes that could enhance its quality. They must also ensure that the research is ethical and adheres to the journal's policies and standards.

Become a Reviewer

  • Register on APID:Go to the APID website and create an account by providing your personal and contact details.
  • Complete the reviewer application form: Fill out the application form to Join as a reviewer. If you already have an account, ensure that the "area of expertise" section on your profile accurately reflects your field of knowledge.
  • Submit to relevant repositories: Submit the article to relevant repositories. This will make the article more accessible to readers and increase its visibility.
  • Participate in conferences: Presenting the article at conferences is a great way to gain exposure and engage with other researchers in the field however this can only be done if article is published in Open Access Publishing Format. Consider submitting an abstract or proposal to relevant conferences.
  • Collaborate with the media: Reach out to journalists or media outlets that cover topics related to the article. This can help to increase the article's visibility and impact outside of academic circles.
  • Engage with readers: Respond to comments and questions from readers on the article's publication platform or social media. This can help to build relationships with other researchers and potentially lead to future collaborations.

  • Pre-Review Considerations

  • Manage Reviews

  • Organizing Your Review

  • Share on social media: Share your article on your personal and professional social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and ResearchGate. Be sure to use relevant hashtags and tag any co-authors, institutions, or organizations that may be interested in your research.
  • Share with colleagues: Share your article with colleagues in your field who may be interested in your research. You can do this by emailing them a copy of the article or by sharing the link to the article with them.
  • Share with the press: If your research has potential implications for the wider public, consider reaching out to journalists or media outlets to share your findings. This can help increase the visibility of your research and its impact.
  • Create a blog post: Writing a blog post about your research can help make it more accessible to a wider audience. You can post the blog on your own website or on a popular science blog in your field.
  • Present at conferences: Presenting your research at conferences is a great way to get feedback on your work and to make connections with other researchers in your field. It can also help increase the visibility of your research.
  • Use altmetrics: Altmetrics are metrics that measure the impact of your research online, including social media shares, blog posts, and media coverage. You can use altmetrics to track the reach and impact of your research.

Remember, it is important to follow copyright and licensing agreements when sharing and promoting your research. Be sure to check the policies of the journal and any other organizations involved in the publication of your article.

Eligibility, Responsibilities & Benefits


Authors must meet all four conditions to be listed.

  • Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data,
  • Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content,
  • Final approval of the version to be published,
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


  • Review submitted manuscripts.
  • Advise on journal policy and scope.
  • Identify topics for special issues, which your may guest edit
  • Attract new authors and submissions.
  • Promote the journal to your colleagues and peers.
  • Assist the editor(s) in decision-making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions.
  • What you Get?

    • Quality and Reputation: JournalsPub publishers uphold high standards of peer review and editorial quality, ensuring that published research meets rigorous academic standards. Publishing with reputable JournalsPub publishers enhances the credibility and visibility of authors' work.
    • Global Reach and Exposure: JournalsPub publishers have extensive distribution networks, reaching researchers, academics, and professionals worldwide. Authors benefit from increased visibility and potential collaboration opportunities within the global research community.
    • Rapid and Efficient Publication Process: JournalsPub publishers prioritize timely publication, ensuring that accepted articles are published promptly. Authors can benefit from faster dissemination of their research and quicker access to their findings.
    • Enhanced Discoverability: JournalsPub publishers employ robust indexing and metadata practices, making articles easily discoverable by search engines, databases, and academic platforms. This improves the visibility and accessibility of authors' work, increasing its potential impact.
    • Global Scholarly Community: By publishing with JournalsPub, authors become part of a vibrant global scholarly community. They gain access to networking opportunities, conferences, workshops, and collaborations with other researchers in their field.
    • Author Support and Services: JournalsPub publishers often provide authors with dedicated support throughout the publication process. This includes assistance with manuscript formatting, language editing, and guidance on copyright and licensing.
    • Metrics and Usage Statistics: JournalsPub publishers provide authors with access to usage statistics, citation metrics, and altmetrics. These insights enable authors to track the impact and reach of their published work.
    • Compliance with Funding Requirements: Many JournalsPub publishers facilitate compliance with funding agencies' open access policies, ensuring that authors can meet the requirements of their research grants.
    • Archiving and Long-Term Preservation: JournalsPub publishers ensure the archiving and long-term preservation of published articles, maintaining their accessibility and integrity for future reference.

    Peer-Review Process

    The peer review process involves the evaluation of scholarly work by experts in the same field or related fields to ensure that it meets the standards of quality and accuracy before it is published. It typically includes the submission of a manuscript to a journal, an initial screening by the editor, and a detailed evaluation by at least two independent reviewers. The reviewers provide feedback on the manuscript, which the editor uses to make a decision on whether to accept or reject it. The peer review process helps ensure the highest standards of quality and accuracy in published research.

    Review reports

    • Review reports are detailed evaluations of scholarly works conducted by experts in the same field or related fields.
    • They provide feedback on the quality and accuracy of the work, identify any errors or inconsistencies, and suggest improvements to the manuscript.
    • Review reports typically include a summary of the manuscript, an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, and a detailed evaluation of the methodology, data analysis, and conclusions.
    • Reviewers may also provide additional feedback on the clarity of the writing, the organization of the manuscript, and other aspects of the work.
    • The review reports are typically submitted to the journal editor, who uses them to make a decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
    • In some cases, the author may be asked to revise and resubmit the manuscript based on the feedback provided in the review reports.
    • Review reports are an essential component of the peer review process, helping to ensure that published research meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy.

    Situations When Reviewers Should Decline to Review a Submission

    • When they have a conflict of interest, such as a personal or financial relationship with the authors, funding agencies, or institutions involved in the research.
    • When they lack the necessary expertise or knowledge to evaluate the manuscript.
    • When they do not have enough time to complete the review within the given deadline.
    • When they have previously reviewed the same manuscript for another journal or publication.
    • When they have a bias or prejudice that could compromise the fairness of the review process.
    • When they have a personal or professional relationship with the editor that could influence the review process.
    • When they are unable to maintain confidentiality or privacy, such as if they have shared the manuscript with others or have a conflict of interest that could compromise confidentiality.

    Reviewers are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the "Confidential" section of the review form, which will be taken into account by the editor. Reviewers should also disclose whether they have had any prior discussions about the manuscript with the authors.

    Conflicts of interest

  • Conflict of interest (COI) can arise when a reviewer has a personal or financial relationship with the authors, funding agencies, or institutions involved in the research.
  • COI can also occur if the reviewer has a competing interest, such as a personal or professional agenda that could influence their evaluation of the manuscript.
  • To avoid COI, reviewers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the editor before accepting a review assignment.
  • If a reviewer becomes aware of a potential COI during the review process, they should inform the editor immediately and withdraw from the review.
  • COI can undermine the integrity of the peer review process and compromise the quality and fairness of the evaluation of the manuscript.
  • Maintaining Confidentiality during the Peer Review Process

    During the single- or double-blind peer review process, manuscripts are expected to be strictly confidential. Reviewers are not allowed to disclose the manuscript's content, including the Abstract, or discuss its content with anyone outside the peer review process.

    In addition, reviewers should be cautious not to reveal their identity to the authors, either in their comments or in the metadata for reports submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format. However, if needed, reviewers may consult with colleagues from their research group, provided that they maintain the manuscript's confidentiality. To do so, reviewers should first contact [email protected] or the Academic Editor handling the manuscript and note the name(s) of their colleague(s) in the "Comments to the editor" section of their report.

    Further Correspondence

    To receive further assistance on joining as a reviewer, please contact us via email at [email protected] or submit your query through our online portal.