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Focus and Scope

About the Journal
International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices is focused to provide a platform for recent trends in elastic–plastic properties, Strain softening and strain-rate sensitivity damage, impact damage, fracture repair techniques, modeling and numerical simulation. All the articles published in the journal go through stringent process of peer-reviewing.
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Focus and Scope
Elastic instability:Â Soft materials, Pattern transformations, Meta-materials, Rubber, Atomic-level, Homogeneous, Boger fluid, cone and plate flow, parallel-plate flow, viscoelastic flow instability, viscometry, Surface energy, Surface strain, Surface stress, Surface elasticity, Surface phase transitions, Equilibrium thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics, Surface structure, morphology, roughness, Surface elastic constants, Atomistic calculations, Semi-empirical potentials, Self-organization, Surface melting, Strain-stiffening constitutive models, Incompressible rubber-like materials and soft biological tissues, Inflation of spherical and cylindrical thin shells.
Gross plastic deformation:Â Design by analysis, Plastic load, Criterion of plastic collapse, Hardness, Silica, Silicates, Soda-lime-silica, Polycrystalline, TiN/CrN multilayers, Forming, Joining, Polyurethane foam, Cellular material, Mechanical properties, Anisotropy, Deformation localization, Deformation band, Mechanical behavior, shot peen, Scanning electron microscopy.
Tensile instability:Â Liquid drop, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics, high Reynolds numbers, Tensile Instability Control (TIC), Particle Shifting Technique (PST), perturbation analysis, ellipticity, fiber reinforcement, shear deformations, nominal stress, concavity, Particle methods, Stability, Kernel functions, Numerical-methods, Fluid dynamics, Fluid-Elastomer Interaction, Contact algorithm.
Creep damage and creep-fatigue interaction:Â Loading history, Life prediction, Austenitic stainless steel, Grain boundary cavitation, Damage function, Hold time, Low cycle fatigue, Nickel-based superalloys, stress relaxation, Mean stress, Creep-fatigue damage assessment, tensile strength, fracture surface, dislocation density, Precipitate.
Low and high cycle fatigue damage:Â Magnesium alloy, Ultrasonic fatigue, Crack initiation, Deformation twins, Cyclic deformation irreversibility, Selective laser melting, Heat-treatment, Direct aging, Microstructure, Energy dissipation, Notch effect, Infrared thermography, Ultrafine-grained microstructure, Crack initiation, Copper, Crack-tip opening displacement (CTOD), Threshold stress intensity factor, Ceramic sintering, Creep, Fatigue crack growth.
Brittle/elastic damage: Brittle fracture, Phase field method, Crack propagation, Finite element method, continuum mechanics, rotational effects, extended finite elements method (XFEM), Anisotropic behavior, Colles’ fracture, macroscopic scale, hydrostatic stress, silica glass, discrete element method (DEM), impact loading, material point method (MPM).
Ductile/plastic damage:Â Isotropic damage, damage evolution law, crack closure, material degradation, plastic damage evolution, damage mechanics criterion, metal forming, deep-drawing, triaxiality, Hydrostatic pressure, Lode dependence, Polymer testing, Dynamic recrystallization, Micromechanics Scheme (IMS), tangent modulus, Micromechanics, Effective elastoplastic behavior, Partial interfacial debonding, Progressive damage, Metal matrix composites, Ensemble-volume averaging method, Random particle distribution.
Strain softening and strain-rate sensitivity damage:Â Strain rate, tensile strength, Structural adhesive, Impact deformation behavior, Constitutive equation, Split Hopkinson pressure bar, Finite element method, material behavior, impact loading, dynamic strain aging, circumferential mechanical properties, Twin-sized voids, Second phase particles, Void coalescence, Constitutive relation, Thermal activation, Viscous drag.
Impact damage:Â Bruise, Mechanical damage, Impact, nondestructive evaluation (NDE), damage tolerance assessment, impact loading, Impact behavior, Matrix cracking, Delamination, Failure criterion, Finite element analysis, compressive loading, composite plates, nonlinearities, pristine conditions, excitation frequencies, sidebands, 3-Dimensional reinforcement, Fragmentation.
Modeling and numerical simulation: Carbon capture and storage (CCS), Darcy’s law, Modeling, branching process, Continuous-time Markov chain, Minor outbreak, Stochastic differential equation, Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS), Computational wind engineering (CWE), Fluid–structure interaction, building aerodynamics, CAARC building, Finite element method (FEM), Large eddy simulation (LES), oblique impacts, delamination areas.
Elastic–plastic fracture mechanics: Cleavage fracture, Local approach, Weibull stress, Plastic strain, Probabilistic fracture mechanics, Bone, Elastic–plastic fracture mechanics, Linear–elastic fracture mechanics, Fracture toughness, Material force approach, J-integral, Energy, Finite internal axial surface crack, Finite element analysis, Reference stress, In-situ microcantilever testing, Dynamic compliance measurement, Tungsten.
Crack incubation and propagation:Â Hydrogen embrittlement, Dual-phase steel, Thermal desorption analysis, Tensile testing, Constant-load testing, Intergranular fracture, Fatigue, Cast magnesium, Microstructure, Porosity, Fatigue fractographic, Aluminum alloy, Anisotropic microstructure, Cavitation, Epoxy-based coatings, Instrumented micro indentation.
Crack and fracture repair Techniques: Fatigue test, Laser shock processing, Residual stress, Polymer composites, Cracks, Microcracks, Polymer structures, Self-repair, Healable polymers, Fracture toughness, Repeated fracture–healing, Damage tolerance, Fracture toughness, Smart materials, Hydraulic fracturing, XFEM, Cohesive zone method, Non-planar, Complex fracture, Brittle, Ductile, Mohr-Coulomb plasticity, Induction healing, electrically conductive fiber, Steel wool fibers.
Damage Tolerance and fracture Control: Residual strength and modulus, impact energy threshold, residual stiffness, Mode I interlaminar fracture toughness, damage resistance, damage tolerance, epoxy, rubber-modified epoxy, carbon fibers, Polymer–matrix composites, Carbon nanotubes, Mechanical Testing, ductile metal interlayer, catastrophic failure, deformability, delamination length, Additive manufacturing, Fatigue loading, Component assessment, Defects, Residual stresses.
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IJCMM is an open-access (OA) publication which provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All published works will be available to a worldwide audience, free, immediately upon publication. Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licenses.
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IJCMM fully adhere to Code of Conduct of Publication Ethics (COPE) and to its Best Practice Guidelines. The Editorial Team enforces a rigorous peer-review process with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scientific studies to the field of scholarly publication. In cases where ctit becomes aware of ethical issues, it is committed to investigating and taking necessary actions to maintain the integrity of the literature and ensure the safety of research participants. Click here to read more about the Research & Publication virtue ethics
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