Editor Overview
IJCT maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.
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Focus and Scope

About the Journal
International Journal of Concrete Technology [2456-8317(e)]Â is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2015 that covers topics related to advancement in concrete technology starting from concrete plants, and concrete mixers to reinforced concretes. The Journal publishes both experimental as well as theoretical articles and review papers that can create an impact on the research community.
Focus and Scope
- Composite material: Aggregate composites, fiber composites, Aggregate properties, Aggregate size, Toughened composites, yield strength, ultimate strength, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio, Nanocomposites, Natural aggregates, aggregate formation.
Construction aggregates:Â basalt, dolomite, granite, gravel, limestone, sand, sandstone.
Cement:Â Hydraulic cement, Non-hydraulic cement, Modern cement, Portland cement, Portland cement blend, Portland-fly ash cement, blast furnace cement, Portland-fly ash cement, Portland pozzolan cement, Portland silica fume cement, Expansive cement, White blended cement.
Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete:Â Rebound Hammer or Schmidt Hammer (ASTM C805) ,Penetration Resistance Test (ASTM C803) ,Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (ASTM C597),Pullout Test (ASTM C900) ,Drilled Core (ASTM C42) ,Cast-in-place Cylinders (ASTM C873) ,Wireless Maturity Sensors (ASTM C1074).
Concrete tests:Â Slump test concrete test, Apparatus, Vibrating table, Hollow frustum of a metal cone, Cylindrical container, Rod glass plate, Compaction factor test, Water Permeability test, Rapid chloride ion penetration test, Water Absorption test, Initial surface Absorption test.
- Advanced Concrete Technology
- Self-drying concrete technology
- Cement accelerator
- Concrete canoe
- Concrete leveling
- Concrete mixer
- Concrete masonry unit
- Concrete moisture meter
- Concrete plant
- Concrete recycling
- Assessment, maintenance, intervention, demolition, and reuse of concrete structures
- Realized projects featuring innovative and original applications of concrete concerning aesthetics, design, execution, or conservation
- Analysis and design methods of concrete structures
- Background information on the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures
- Prefabrication
- Concrete step barrier
- Concrete sealers
- Reinforced concrete
- Concrete materials and structure
- Advanced experimental techniques for concrete or cement-based composites
- Advanced modeling technologies for concrete materials and structures
- Microstructural characterization of concrete or cement-based composites
- The advanced concrete structural system
- Fiber-reinforced concrete technology
- Concrete waste management
- Structural behavior of concrete structures
- Material properties of concrete and reinforcements related to their mechanical behavior or durability aspects
- Sustainability of concrete structures and life cycle management
Open Access Statement
IJCT is an open-access (OA) publication which provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All published works will be available to a worldwide audience, free, immediately upon publication. Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licenses.
Publication Ethics Statement
IJCT fully adhere to Code of Conduct of Publication Ethics (COPE) and to its Best Practice Guidelines. The Editorial Team enforces a rigorous peer-review process with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scientific studies to the field of scholarly publication. In cases where ctit becomes aware of ethical issues, it is committed to investigating and taking necessary actions to maintain the integrity of the literature and ensure the safety of research participants. Click here to read more about the Research & Publication virtue ethics
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All IJCT the information’s, opinions, and views mentioned here represents the authors and the contributions of the articles. Publication of articles, advertisements, or product information does not constitute endorsement or approval by the journal. cannot be help responsible for any error or consequences while using the information updated in this journal. Although every effort is done by ctit to see that there’s no any inaccurate data, misleading data, opinion or statement within the journal, the data and opinions appearing in the articles are the responsibility of the contributors concerned.