Editor Overview
IJGGE maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.
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Focus and Scope

About the Journal
International Journal of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering is concerned with the engineering behavior of earth materials and mining. The journal also focuses on the dynamic behavior of the soil and rocks, earthquake mechanics and other important fields of civil engineering that deals with geological and geotechnical engineering.
All contributions to the journal are rigorously refereed and are selected on the basis of quality and originality of the work. The journal publishes the most significant new research papers or any other original contribution in the form of reviews and reports on new concepts in all areas pertaining to its scope and research being done in the world, thus ensuring its scientific priority and significance.
Focus and Scope
Soil and rock mechanics:Â Behaviour of soils, soils consist, Soil partials, mechanical behavior of rock and rock masses, rock bolting patterns, Soil composition, Soil mineralogy, Grain size distribution, Sieve analysis, Hydrometer analysis, Mass-volume relations.
Earthquake engineering:Â Earthquake fault types, plate boundaries, Shallow-focus and deep-focus earthquakes, Earthquakes and volcanic activity, Earthquake clusters.
Offshore geotechnical engineering:Â Ground improvement, Soil conditions, Offshore structures, Offshore structures, Cyclic loading, wider range, onshore developments, Design focuses, The offshore environment, wind, waves, currents, and Metocean aspects.
Ground improvement:Â Soil Stabilisation, Vibro Stone Columns, Jet Grouting, Deep Soil Mixing, Dynamic Compaction, ground improvement system.
Field characterization of soils:Â Soil structure, Soil color, Soil consistency, Soil texture, Soil abundance of roots, rocks, and carbonates, and subsurface conditions.
Waste and waste management:Â Waste segregation, Landfill, Types of waste, Life-cycle of a product, Biological reprocessing, composting, Waste valorization, beneficial reuse, value recovery, waste reclamation.
Foundations and soil–structure interaction: soil liquefaction., ground-structure system, Soil types, Foundation types.
Landslides and slope stability:Â slope movement, natural and artificially-made slopes, embankments, earth dams, road cuttings, soil mass, gravitational forces, potential dynamic loads, steep and remote slopes, soils, and rock masses.
- Soil and rock engineering
- Offshore geotechnical engineering
- Applied geology and Geosynthetics
- Geo-environmental engineering
- Earthquake engineering
- Dynamic behavior of soils and rocks
- Geohazards and mitigation
- Types of Slope Failure
- Groundwater seepage and permeability
- Gis and remote sensing
- Mining engineering
- Soil mechanics and soil dynamics
- Computational Geomechanics
- Lateral earth pressures, and slope stability
- Geohazards and Mitigation
- Novel Geotechnical construction techniques
- GIS in Geotech
- Soil water management
- Soil reinforcement
- Ground improvement technologies
Open Access Statement
IJGGE is an open-access (OA) publication which provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. All published works will be available to a worldwide audience, free, immediately upon publication. Publication in the journal is subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC). The APC serves to support the journal and ensures that articles are freely accessible online in perpetuity under a Creative Commons licenses.
Publication Ethics Statement
IJGGE fully adhere to Code of Conduct of Publication Ethics (COPE) and to its Best Practice Guidelines. The Editorial Team enforces a rigorous peer-review process with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure the addition of high-quality scientific studies to the field of scholarly publication. In cases where ctit becomes aware of ethical issues, it is committed to investigating and taking necessary actions to maintain the integrity of the literature and ensure the safety of research participants. Click here to read more about the Research & Publication virtue ethics
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All IJGGE the information’s, opinions, and views mentioned here represents the authors and the contributions of the articles. Publication of articles, advertisements, or product information does not constitute endorsement or approval by the journal. cannot be help responsible for any error or consequences while using the information updated in this journal. Although every effort is done by ctit to see that there’s no any inaccurate data, misleading data, opinion or statement within the journal, the data and opinions appearing in the articles are the responsibility of the contributors concerned.