International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology
Editor Overview
ijsbt maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are experts in the field of study.
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About Journal
International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology [2583-3278(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 that provides a platform that publishes high-quality manuscripts from the field of climate-responsive architecture, traditional wisdom and sustainable concepts, energy audit & environmental impact assessment, alternative materials and technologies and various areas related to the sustainable building technology.
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Latest Article
Biomimicry and Parametrism
Haindhavi Paruchuri
Gender equality – A promise to attain sustainable development
Jagruti Patel
Strategies to minimize the Embodied Carbon Emissions in building construction project
Somnath Maurya
Sustainable Development of Infrastructure in India: Understanding Catalyst and Challenges
Taking India towards responsible tourism – A need for sustainable tourism development
Dr. Hiren R. Raval

Editor In Chief
Shruti H. Kapur
Professor C.T. Group of Institution, Shahpur, Punjab 144020