Ancient Water Management Planning Tradition and Techniwues of India: An Overview

Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
Received Date: 04/01/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/28/2024
Published On: 2024-06-06
First Page: 59
Last Page: 63

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By: Prakash Chandra Tamrakar

Lecturer and I/c Head of Department, Department of (Interior Decoration & Design), Government Girls’ Polytechnic, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India


India has an ancient tradition of water management system from more than 5000 years and over centuries. The testament to the collection of monsoon rainwater through reservoirs and wells can be seen in the Indus Valley civilization (3000-1500 BC). Mohenjodaro, the largest city belonging to Harappa culture had over open wells. The people of India possessed remarkable skills in the construction of dams, lakes, and tanks since old age. Their knowledge and expertise in water conservation systems enabling them to conceive and implement more improved structures to effectively captured, held, and stored the precious monsoon rainwater. These systems were carefully designed to ensure a sustainable water supply during the dry seasons that followed. As the long sustainability, simplicity to built and use, more eco friendly and less explosiveness, some ancient structure of water management are functioning even today. Since last 70 years, construction of deep tube wells or bore wells, water abstraction devices and pumping methods have made large scale exploitation of ground water to fulfil the water demand. The major source of water supply, ground water is depleting and cause water scarcity. This study aims to explore the ancient water management planning, tradition and techniques to review, conserve, revive and expand this old wisdom for the benefit of all.

Keywords: Water management, Water Scarcity, Water conservation, Natural Resource, Population Growth.



How to cite this article: Prakash Chandra Tamrakar, Ancient Water Management Planning Tradition and Techniwues of India: An Overview. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2024; 07(01): 59-63p.

How to cite this URL: Prakash Chandra Tamrakar, Ancient Water Management Planning Tradition and Techniwues of India: An Overview. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2024; 07(01): 59-63p. Available from:


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