Volume: 10 | Issue: 1 | Year 2024 |
International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications
Received Date: 03/27/2024
Acceptance Date: 08/27/2024
Published On: 2024-10-09
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By: Rachana Krishnamurthy

Student, Department of Biotechnology, PES University, Bangalore-85, India


Objective: Ovomucoid is a serine protease inhibitor discovered in bird eggs that not only protects embryos but also has phylogenetic significance due to its potential usage as a molecular marker. They are glycoproteins that have antibacterial efficacy because they inhibit bacterial proteolytic enzymes that are essential for microbiological development. This study makes use of DNA sequence data to rebuild evolutionary connections among bird species.

Methods: Over the past decade, the incorporation of cutting-edge Bayesian analytic methods has resulted in substantial advances in the study of Phylogeny. Here, we successfully explore parameter space by integrating sophisticated Bayesian techniques, predicting divergence durations, branch lengths, and substitution rates using the software tools- BEAUti, BEAST, TreeAnnotator, Tracer, and FigTree. In general, this research demonstrates the effectiveness of Bayesian analytic methods in unraveling the rich evolutionary thread woven by bird ovomucoid. The resulting Bayesian phylogenetic tree sheds light on the evolutionary processes of bird ovomucoid over several avian families.

Results: The use of Bayesian methods along with Phylogenetic evaluation provides insights into the evolutionary connections of the seventeen bird ovomucoids. Using probabilistic statistical models could shed light on the genetic basis and hence the string that links the many avian species. The Bayesian analysis also facilitated this study by yielding information about branch lengths, and substitution rates, and hence put forth a clearer picture of evolution based on bird ovomucoid.

Conclusion: These findings help to deepen our understanding of bird ovomucoid evolution and lay the groundwork for future avian genetics and evolutionary biology study. Thus, the findings give a framework for addressing pressing questions and advancing research in the field of molecular evolution.

Keywords: Ovomucoid, Bayesian, Phylogenetic analysis, BEAUti, BEAST, FigTree, Tracer,
Molecular evolution



How to cite this article: Rachana Krishnamurthy, BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF BIRD OVOMUCOID: INFERRING EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS.. International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications. 2024; 10(1): -p.

How to cite this URL: Rachana Krishnamurthy, BAYESIAN ANALYSIS OF BIRD OVOMUCOID: INFERRING EVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS.. International Journal of Animal Biotechnology and Applications. 2024; 10(1): -p. Available from:


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