By: Selva Kumar, Omar Abdulla Sherief, Vignesh V, Sreenath M, and Dhanashri Shanbhag
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) College of Engineering, India
2- Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) College of Engineering, India
3- Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) College of Engineering, India
4- Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) College of Engineering, India
5- Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bhusanayana Mukundadas Sreenivasaiah (BMS) College of Engineering, India
Development of a sophisticated Medical Pregnancy Care chatbot leveraging state- of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, specifically the BERT framework. The chatbot offers a seamless user experience with two key functionalities: patient registration and comprehensive medical report generation. New users are prompted to register, providing essential personal details, and subsequently prompted to fill detailed medical reports, ranging from the 1st to the 9th month of pregnancy. The system employs anticipatory computing strategies for dynamic document storage during runtime, ensuring efficient and secure handling of sensitive patient data. The uniqueness of the proposed idea lies in its utilization of the NLP BERT framework to analyse the content of each medical report comprehensively. The system employs anticipatory computing, intelligently predicting and organizing document storage implemented the evolving nature of pregnancy reports. As the user progresses through each month, the chatbot dynamically generates summarized PDF documents for each medical report, incorporating insights derived from NLP analysis. This methodology not only helps in efficient document management but also provides healthcare professionals with concise, actionable information. The domain basically is focused on combining the concept of Anticipatory computing and BERT Framework. The ‘EXISTING SYSTEM’ already uses technologies using LLM but it is not implemented for document summarization and just involves direct extraction of data from the database unlike the existing system.
Keywords: Anticipatory Computing, BERT, QR Code, Document Summarization ,LLM, NLP, Interface, CNN
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