A Role of Machine Learning for Students’ Academic Success Prediction

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing
Received Date: 04/12/2024
Acceptance Date: 04/24/2024
Published On: 2024-06-11
First Page: 1
Last Page: 6

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By: Balasaheb Kalhapure

Head, Department in Commerce, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College Aundh ,Pune, India.


This research paper aims to identify early predictions of students’ academic success with the help of different indicators. One of the crucial parts of the study is identifying additional indicators that play an essential role in defining students’ academic success. Early prediction of success will be helpful for various stakeholders such as students, parents, educators/teachers, institutions, universities, and the government. Machine Learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and is a growing technology that enables computers to learn automatically from past data. With different mathematical algorithms, Ma- chine Learning develops prediction models which predict output with the help of historical data. We can apply Machine learning techniques in the education domain to help educators as well as education seekers. We can align teaching and learning methods in skill-based education. With the help of different machine learning techniques, we can identify factors that play major roles in student success.

Keywords: Education, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, different mathematical algorithms,



How to cite this article: Balasaheb Kalhapure, A Role of Machine Learning for Students’ Academic Success Prediction. International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing. 2024; 10(01): 1-6p.

How to cite this URL: Balasaheb Kalhapure, A Role of Machine Learning for Students’ Academic Success Prediction. International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing. 2024; 10(01): 1-6p. Available from:https://journalspub.com/publication/ijcam/article=6840


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