By: Puspanjali Senapati
Introduction:The term burden refers to the emotional and physical strain experienced by caregivers when providing care for a client. This burden is considered a form of agony. Caregivers, usually family members, have various responsibilities such as personal care, financial support, medical assistance, and transportation arrangements. Coping strategies are utilized to manage stress, with effectiveness varying based on the situation and individual preferences. A study aimed to evaluate coping strategies and burden among caregivers of cardiovascular patients.Methodology: In a study conducted at IMS & SUM Hospital in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, a descriptive correlational research design was used, purposive sampling was employed to select 200 participants who completed a self-structured socio-demographic questionnaire. The researchers also utilized two standardized scales, the caregiver burden inventory scale and the coping inventory for stressful situations scale, to collect comprehensive data on caregiver burden and coping strategies.
Results: The study findings showed a significant positive correlation ( r = 0.456, p < 0.01) between burden and coping strategies, as indicated by Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient. This suggests that as the burden experienced by caregivers, their utilization of coping strategies also tends to increase. Additionally, the study employed ANOVA and t-tests to examine the differences between burden and coping strategies. Conclusion: The study revealed that a significant number of caregivers in 30-40 age group faced a high burden of care, leading them to employ diverse coping strategies. Counselling can offer emotional support, guidance, and practical advice to caregivers, enabling them to effectively manage challenges and maintain their well-being while caring for cardiovascular patients.
INTRODUCTION Health refers to the overall well-being and proper functioning of an individual’s physical, mental and social aspects. It is influenced by various factors such as genetics, environment, lifestyle choices and access to healthcare. Cardiovascular disorders area major global health issue, and they are responsible for a significant burden of illness and mortalityworldwide. Caregivers play a multifaceted role that goes beyond physical care, as stated by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO). In India, where over 10 million deaths are reported annually,cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) contribute significantly to the mortality rate. Among males, CVDsaccount for approximately 20.3% of all deaths, while among females, it accounts for around 16.9% ofall deaths [1]. They also offer companionship, emotional support, and advocacy for their clients.Caregivers often become the primary source of comfort and guidance for individuals with long-termdisease, helping them navigate the challenges associated with their conditions. The long-term nature ofcardiovascular disease can bring about various difficulties and significant changes in the lifestyle of theclients. The responsibilities of caregivers encompass tasks such as medication management, symptommonitoring, daily activity assistance, and emotional support. These duties can impose a significantburden on caregivers, impacting them both physically and emotionally [2].
The demands of caregiving can have detrimental effects on the caregiver’s physical, emotional, andmental, causing stress, burnout, and potential depression. Caregivers often prioritize their loved one’sneeds, neglecting their own-being and putting their own lives on hold. The overwhelmingresponsibilities of caregiving leave little room for self-care and personal fulfilment. It is important forcaregivers to seek support, both practical and emotional, to alleviate the burden and prevent caregiverfatigue. It is worth nothing that coping strategies can vary from person to person, and caregivers mayuse a combination of problem-focused, emotion-focused and avoidance-oriented coping strategiesdepending on the situation. To maintain their own-being while caring for loved ones, caregivers needto discover healthy coping mechanisms. Problem-focused involves actively addressing and resolvingstressors through practical solutions. Emotion-focused coping focuses on managing and regulatingemotional responses to the stressor. Rather than focusing on problem-solving, this coping strategy aimsto reduce emotional distress and find ways to cope with the emotions associated with the stressor.Avoidance-oriented coping refers behaviors or strategies aimed at avoiding or minimizing contact withthe stressor. This can involve ignoring the problem, denying its existence, or seeking distractions totemporarily escape from the stressor [3]. Abbasi et al. and Ardashirzade et al. suggest that the use ofemotion-focused coping strategies by caregivers may indeed contribute to increased burden. This couldbe due to the fact that emotion-focused coping strategies may not directly address the practicalchallenges and stressors associated with caregiving, leading to a higher burden on the caregiver [4–8].
METHODS AND MATERIALSA pilot study was conducted for 1 week with 20 samples to test the research design. Descriptive co-relational research design was used. Based on the results, 200 caregivers were chosen using purposivesampling for the main study. This approach helped identify any issues and select a representativesample. The pilot study and purposive sampling were crucial for ensuring the validity and effectivenessof the main study [9–17]. The study was conducted in the cardiovascular IPD & OPD of IMS & SUMhospital, Bhubaneswar. The inclusion criteria for participants were as follows: age group between 20–60 years, Willing to participate in the study, The care giver of patients of both OPD/IPD are includedin the research. The exclusion criteria is: The caregiver those are providing care with paid service areexcluded in this study. The data was collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire, standardizedcaregiver burden inventory scale to assess caregiver burden, standardized Coping Inventory for stressfulsituation scale to assess the coping strategies. These tools were chosen for their reliability and validityin measuring the relevant variables.
RESULTS After collecting the data through the socio-demographic profile, descriptive statistics were used todetermine the level of burden and assess the coping strategies of caregivers. The correlation betweenburden and coping strategies was examined using Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient [18–24].Additionally, the comparison between burden and coping strategies with socio-demographic variableswas conducted through ANOVA tests and t- test. These statistical analyses aimed to explore the relationships and associations between caregiver burden, coping strategies and socio-demographic factors.
Section I
Table 1 revealed that the descriptive statistics of caregiver burden indicate that the mean caregiverburden score for time dependency items was 61.5 ± 16.0, with a median of 60.0. For development items,the corresponding values were 54.3 ± 10.3, with a median of 55.0. Physical health items had a meanscore of 56.1 ± 10.7, with a median of 10.3, with a median of 56.3. Emotional health items had a meanscore of 50.1 ± 11.5, with a median of 50.0. Social relationship items had a mean score of 48.8± 10.1,with a median of 50.0. The results of the study indicate that caregivers of cardiovascular patients indeedexperience a significant level of burden.
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