By: Akshita Rai, Ioan Barabulica, and Sandeep Rai
1Executive, Zentiva Private Limited, GIDC, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, India
2Research Scientist, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Romania
3General Manager R&D, Dyne Chemicals LLP, Chatral, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Due to the excessive use of fossil fuels day by day everywhere, several severe problems on the globe and related to environmental issues like environmental problems and heating are cropping up and posing a big problem. Due to this reason, several attempts are being made to develop other sustainable alternate energy sources which are based on plant biomass. However, those materials contain lignin, which makes up approximately 18-30% of the total content. Lignin is used as fuel but has many potential and valuable applications, including nanoparticles synthesis, poly-carboxylic acid production, supercapacitor electrode fabrication, and use as a photocatalyst and photovoltaic material. Recently, researchers have been working to develop more sustainable bioenergy production technologies. This review paper focuses on lignin and its derivatives for different industrial applications, including sustainable energy conversion.
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