The Impact of Green Buildings on the Development of a Sustainable Environment in Developing Countries

Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning
Received Date: 11/06/2024
Acceptance Date: 11/15/2024
Published On: 2024-11-25
First Page: 40
Last Page: 53

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By: Davies I.E.E., Davies O.O.A., and Davies R.M

1. Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, Nigeria Maritime University, Okenrekoko, Delta State, Nigeria
2. PhD Research Scholar, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Rivers State University, Nigeria
3. Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa, State, Nigeria


The construction sector is essential for driving socio-economic development in every nation. Much advancement in sustainable construction technologies and practices are widely recognized and embraced throughout all sectors of the construction field. However, Nigeria is faced with substantial barriers hindering the widespread adoption of this current pool of research progressive architectural approach. The objectives of this study is to provide an extensive analysis of contemporary trends and prospects in green building practices, highlighting the significance of implementing sustainable techniques to reduce the environmental footprint of the industry. The assessment process involved the analysis of documents available on three reputable scientific databases, including review articles, conference proceedings, and journal publications. Some of the findings include the absence of adequate institutional frameworks for policy development and guideline establishment, restricted access to information on eco-friendly products and building systems that offer superior performance, insufficient knowledge regarding sustainability concerns, limited expertise among personnel and clients, poor understanding of green building technologies. Industry professionals’ lack of knowledge among professionals in the industry and the perceived increased costs associated with sustainable construction in comparison to conventional methods also present a significant challenge for clients. There is no strong collaboration between professionals and clients throughout all phases of the projects. The technologies and practices related to sustainable construction in Nigeria are deemed unsustainable and do not align with the core principles of ideal sustainability.

Keywords: Green construction, eco-materials, cost-effectiveness, greenhouse gas, renewable energy



How to cite this article: Davies I.E.E., Davies O.O.A., and Davies R.M, The Impact of Green Buildings on the Development of a Sustainable Environment in Developing Countries. International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning. 2024; 10(02): 40-53p.

How to cite this URL: Davies I.E.E., Davies O.O.A., and Davies R.M, The Impact of Green Buildings on the Development of a Sustainable Environment in Developing Countries. International Journal of Housing and Human Settlement Planning. 2024; 10(02): 40-53p. Available from:


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