IoT Based Smart RFID Application in Healthcare

Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology
Received Date: 07/30/2024
Acceptance Date: 11/06/2024
Published On: 2024-11-18
First Page: 24
Last Page: 29

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By: P. Muthukumaraswamy, S. Mahalakshmi, S. Densingh Raja, S. janan, and P .V. Rubini

1. P. Muthukumaraswamy,Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.
2. S. Mahalakshmi, Under Graduate students, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.
3. S. Densingh Raja, Under Graduate students, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.
4. S. Janan, Under Graduate students, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.
5.P.V.Rubini, Under Graduate students, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, India.


The Internet of Things has become a promising technology in recent years that expands the idea of the internet and makes it more widespread, enabling smooth communication between all kinds of devices. To connect “Everything” and make it smarter, the Internet of Things plays several roles, including identification, information gathering, exchange and processing, decision-making, and security. Two important technologies that facilitate intelligent decision-making across a range of applications are cloud computing and artificial intelligence. However, the accuracy and dependability of these technologies rely on vast amounts of data from numerous sensors, which can only be accomplished with the advent of communication technologies, such as wireless sensor networks, radio frequency identification, and 5G. Radio frequency identification uses radio waves to wirelessly identify an object’s properties. This project combines the power of radio frequency identification technology with real-time health monitoring in a hospital setting. Utilizing radio frequency identification tags for patient identification and asset tracking, the system seamlessly integrates with a temperature sensor, blood pressure sensor, and SpO2 sensor. For ongoing monitoring, the gathered data are then sent to an Internet of Things platform. The system not only ensures accurate patient identification and efficient asset management but also provides real-time oxygen saturation, blood pressure rate, and temperature data. These data are shown on an LCD screen, providing medical practitioners with real-time patient health insights. This innovative solution enhances patient care, promotes proactive medical interventions, and exemplifies the Internet of Things in advancing healthcare.

Keywords: Continuous monitoring, radiofrequency identification, temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation.



How to cite this article: P. Muthukumaraswamy, S. Mahalakshmi, S. Densingh Raja, S. janan, and P .V. Rubini, IoT Based Smart RFID Application in Healthcare. International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology. 2024; 10(02): 24-29p.

How to cite this URL: P. Muthukumaraswamy, S. Mahalakshmi, S. Densingh Raja, S. janan, and P .V. Rubini, IoT Based Smart RFID Application in Healthcare. International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology. 2024; 10(02): 24-29p. Available from:


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