By: Jubairiyath Beevi A and Amal A
1-M. Tech Scholar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKMCE, Kollam, Kerala India
2-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, TKMCE, Kollam, Kerala India
Making the system state “slide” along a predetermined surface is the goal of the robust control
method known as sliding mode control. The sliding surface ensure that the system remains stable even
in the presence of uncertainties or disturbances. Backstepping is a recursive control design method
that breaks down complex control problems into simpler subsystems. It constructs a series of
Lyapunov functions to stabilize each subsystem, eventually achieving stability for the entire system.
Based on system behaviour, the adaptive mechanism modifies control gains in real time.In back
stepping procedure the system is divided into subsystems, and each subsystem is stabilized using
backstepping. This research proposes an adaptive back-stepping controller for controlling blood
glucose levels in type 1 diabetics. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is theoretically modelled using
Bergman’s minimum model (BMM). First, restoring the blood glucose level to within a safe range is
the goal of an adaptive virtual controller. The insulin intake is then intended to be determined by a
second adaptive controller. Lyapunov stability theory is used to demonstrate the adaptive
backstepping method’s controller performance and asymptotic stability. Simulation results have been
run to confirm that the suggested strategy is effective in tracking the desired blood glucose level.
Diabetes patients’ meal disruptions are also unmistakably documented and shown in the simulation
results. The outcomes highlight the benefits of the suggested controller, including its appropriate
convergence time, resilience to outside disruptions, and ability to account for variability in human
physiological parameters.
Keywords: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), Bergman’s minimal model (BMM), Adaptive back-stepping control, Lyapunov stability theory, Insulin dose
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