By: M NPavithra, V Divyasri, Abhirami M, M Melvin David, K.Daniel Arun Kumar, Lionia Stephen, Leya Shaji, Baby Lvanya, and K Mounika
1Associate Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing1, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, AP
2Assistant professor, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing2, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, AP
3 Principal PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, AP
4Assistant professor, Department of Community Health Nursing4, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, AP
5Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, AP
6,7,8,9 4 th year nursing students, PES College of Nursing, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Background and aims: Hoffman’s exercise care is the innovative method of taking care of inverted nipple and its management, the main aim of the study is assess the Effectiveness of Hoffman’s exercise among Postnatal Mothers admitted at Tertiary care hospital. Material and Methods: Quantitative research design was used on selected 30 postnatal mothers who met with the inclusion criteria and Hoffman’s exercise is demonstrated. Results: Showed the analysis of posttest knowledge scores of postnatal mothers reveled the comparisons of calculated paired t test values of mean SD and “t” and p-values of pre -test and post- test knowledge scores on kangaroo mother care reveals that the post –test mean score were 40.09 with a SD of 19.8 and pre-test mean 25.1 with a SD of 12.43 the “t” value 2.02 was and p value were significant at the level of 0.023. This shows effectiveness of structured teaching programme on kangaroo mother care among post natal mother. Conclusion: The overall percentage and mean knowledge scores on Hoffman’s exercise among postnatal mothers in posttest was higher than the pretest. So it can concluded that Hoffman’s exercise is effective in enhancing the inverted nipple defects among postnatal mothers.
Key words: Hoffman’s exercise, postnatal mother, quantitative research.
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