Strategies for Mitigating Nitrate Leaching: A Comprehensive Methodological

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Open Access
International Journal of Plant Biotechnology
Received Date: 05/20/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/18/2024
Published On: 2024-06-25
First Page: 13
Last Page: 28

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By: Anjali Kumari, Neeraj, Sakshi Sharma, Rakshita Chaudhary, and Nisha Gaur

1,2 Banasthali Vidyapith, Newai, Rajasthan, India
3 Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India
4 Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, New Delhi, India
5 Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, India


Nitrogen (N) serves as a fundamental nutrient crucial for promoting plant growth. However, the mismanagement of nitrogen fertilization within agricultural contexts has led to significant instances of nitrate leaching, particularly pronounced within fruit production systems. Empirical research has underscored the danger of elevated nitrate levels in potable water, posing potential threats to human health. Furthermore, the widespread presence of nitrates in riverine ecosystems accelerates eutrophication, thereby imposing detrimental effects on aquatic ecologies.

The present study provides a comprehensive examination of methodological strategies and techniques aimed at mitigating nitrate leaching within orchard environments. Various methodologies, including the establishment of grass cover, the deployment of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizers, and the use of nitrification inhibitors, underwent thorough evaluation. Notably, these methodologies demonstrate substantial potential in reducing nitrate leaching occurrences within orchard settings. However, a significant observation emerges: the pursuit of agricultural sustainability and environmental protection requires an integrative paradigm that orchestrates a convergence of multifaceted measures aimed at achieving overarching objectives. This paper discusses sound solutions to the important environmental issue of controlling nitrate leaking through agricultural practice modifications. The reasons of nitrate leaching from agricultural land are briefly discussed, and current techniques for reducing nitrate losses are defined, studied, and appraised. Nutrient leaching reduction does not depend on organic or conventional farming, but rather on the implementation and application of effective remedies. We offer the following guiding principles for reducing leaching from agricultural soils.



How to cite this article: Anjali Kumari, Neeraj, Sakshi Sharma, Rakshita Chaudhary, and Nisha Gaur, Strategies for Mitigating Nitrate Leaching: A Comprehensive Methodological. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 2024; 10(01): 13-28p.

How to cite this URL: Anjali Kumari, Neeraj, Sakshi Sharma, Rakshita Chaudhary, and Nisha Gaur, Strategies for Mitigating Nitrate Leaching: A Comprehensive Methodological. International Journal of Plant Biotechnology. 2024; 10(01): 13-28p. Available from:
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