By: Sana Rahim, Dr. Deepti Pande Rana, and Amin Naqvi
1. Student, Department of Architecture, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3. Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh, India.
The rapid expansion of the private education sector in India, particularly in the post-1991 era, has
created a plethora of investment opportunities. One notable segment within this sector is the coaching
industry, which has witnessed remarkable growth, transforming from small-scale individual tuition
centers to large-scale coaching companies. The proliferation of private tutoring centers across the
country, even in smaller cities, has sparked a significant debate about their role and impact on the
formal education system. The present paper attempts to delve deeper into the study of retrofitting
commercial space into a learning center. To meet the increased demand for coaching institutes in
India, commercial spaces have had to be converted quickly. This study explores the challenges of
retrofitting these areas to emphasize the safety of students and staff, promote ideal learning settings,
and guarantee the coaching centers’ financial viability. The goal of the study is to create a thorough
framework for design interventions by looking at the unique operational, technical, and spatial needs
of coaching institutes. The study process includes a thorough examination of the business premises,
coaching centers that are currently in operation, and pertinent safety laws. The study finds critical
design methods that support increased productivity and well-being, including space layout,
ventilation, emergency exit systems, and ergonomic concerns, through case studies and data-driven
analysis. The outcomes of this study should give architects, interior designers, and legislators
important new perspectives on how to construct secure, effective, and comfortable learning
environments inside commercial buildings. In conclusion, our study helps to create a comprehensive
strategy for converting commercial spaces into highly effective coaching facilities in India.
Retrofitting, coaching institutes, commercial spaces, safety, learning environments, design measures, operational requirements, technical requirements, spatial requirements, ergonomics, ventilation, emergency exit systems, productivity, well-being.
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- Sharma JM. Coaching as business: Exploring its growth in India. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2022;14(4):292–309. doi: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2022.10044847.