By: C. P. Ukpaka
Professor, Department of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University Port Harcour.
The biokinetic parameters of crude oil degradation using Citrus sinensis of flavedo part was investigated in loamy soil environment. Mathematical models were developed for the purpose of determining the biokinetic parameters of the k1 (Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon), maximum specific rate of TPH remediation and dissociation constant of the TPH remediation on the effect of remediant dosage on the polluted loamy soil environment. The effect of the remediants were monitored for sun-dried and room-dried samples of the citrus sinensis of the flavedo part. The application of Michaelis Menten, Lineweaver–Burk plot and first order reaction kinetic was used in the determination of the biokinetic parameters as demonstrated in this research. However, decrease in TPH was experienced with increase in time and the ks ranges from –39285.714 (ppm)-1 to 18434 (ppm)-1 whereas the Rmax value ranges from –1250 (ppm/day)-1 to 2083.33 (ppm/day)-1 . In STPH(t) ranges from 10.271 to 10.931 and k1 value ranges from – 0.0561 to – 0.0382 for room-dried samples whereas for sun-dried k1 value ranges from –0.0531 to 0.0068 and in STPH(t) value ranges from 10.269 to 10.865. These biokinetic parameters are influenced by the effect of dosage and effectiveness of the microbes to remedy the polluted loamy soil environment.
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