Impact of External Contextual Factors on Construction Project Performance

Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Town Planning and Management
Received Date: 10/18/2024
Acceptance Date: 10/28/2024
Published On: 2024-11-09
First Page: 28
Last Page: 47

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By: Vertika Bajaj and Virendra Kumar Paul

1.PhD Scholar, Department of Building Engineering & Management, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, India.
2.Professor, Department of Building Engineering & Management, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi, India.


The construction industry is inherently complex, influenced by a myriad of external contextualized
factors that impact project performance. Based on a thorough analysis provided in the paper, this
abstract offers a thorough summary of these factors. The study categorizes external contextualized
factors into four main dimensions: cost, time, scope, and dominant area of influence. Factors, such
as “Availability of workforce/material/equipment,” “Land Acquisition,” “Government Policy
Changes,” and “Legal disputes between Project Participants” emerge as top influencers across
all areas, underscoring their significant impact on construction project outcomes. Time-related
factors, including delays in material supply, unavailability of skilled labor, and natural disasters,
are identified as critical determinants affecting project timelines. To reduce schedule delays, these
issues call for proactive resource management and risk mitigation techniques. Cost-related factors,
such as price escalation, waste disposal, and unreliable suppliers, pose considerable financial
risks to construction projects. Effective cost management, supplier vetting, and contingency
planning are essential to mitigate cost overruns and financial uncertainties. Scope-related factors,
such as land expropriation, geopolitical stability, and regulatory changes, impact project
parameters and necessitate adaptability in project planning and execution to accommodate
evolving scope requirements. The study also highlights interrelationships among factors,
indicating the interconnected nature of construction project dynamics. Collaborative risk
management strategies and continuous monitoring and evaluation are emphasized as essential for
navigating external challenges and optimizing project performance.
External factors, Project performance, construction, Construction Project, Risk Mitigation Techniques.



How to cite this article: Vertika Bajaj and Virendra Kumar Paul, Impact of External Contextual Factors on Construction Project Performance. International Journal of Town Planning and Management. 2024; 10(02): 28-47p.

How to cite this URL: Vertika Bajaj and Virendra Kumar Paul, Impact of External Contextual Factors on Construction Project Performance. International Journal of Town Planning and Management. 2024; 10(02): 28-47p. Available from:


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