By: Nisha Sanjay and Sasikumaran Sreedharan
Cloud computing has emerged as a promising computing paradigm to provide scalable quality of service, enabled services that are delivered over the internet. The infrastructure as a service model depends heavily on virtualization, which is the vital concept for centralized resource allocation in cloud computing. Resource allocation in cloud computing is basically performed through with the help of task scheduling as well virtual machine placement. Cloud service provider selects correct schedule approach to execute client task in proper order. The virtual machine placement techniques are responsible for the allocation of stand by virtual machines on one or more physical servers. Task scheduling and virtual machine placement affects energy usage within data centers. An efficient task scheduling and virtual machine placement approach helps to achieve energy efficiency in cloud data centers. Efficient resource management can be accomplished using a range of metaheuristic job scheduling and virtual machine placement techniques. This in turn will aid in the realization of reducing carbon footprint which is a very crucial objective. In this paper, an extensive analysis has been accomplished of some advanced approaches in the current research field. Additionally, new areas for possible future research are identified by the review. Optimizing the current state of resource allocation in cloud computing systems is the aim of this effort.
Keywords: Cloud computing, IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), task scheduling, virtual machine
placement, resource allocation, energy consumption
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