Eco-Friendly Agriculture

Volume: 10 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry
Received Date: 06/21/2024
Acceptance Date: 06/28/2024
Published On: 2024-08-01
First Page: 21
Last Page: 25

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By: Aarushi Chhibber

Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.


The green revolution brought a huge increase in rice and wheat yields in Asia, but it relied heavily on chemicals and machines that harm the environment. This approach isn’t sustainable and puts our lands, forests, and water at risk. To secure our food and economic future, especially in developing countries, we need to find ways to grow more food without hurting the planet. One solution is to use sustainable farming methods that work with nature instead of against it. Indigenous farming practices, passed down through generations, can be a valuable resource in creating eco-friendly agricultural systems. These methods focus on using natural resources wisely and avoiding harmful chemicals. Organic farming is one such approach. It involves using organic materials like compost and natural ways to protect crops instead of relying on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farmers use techniques like crop rotation, animal manure, and natural pest control to keep their soil healthy and their crops strong. This chapter will focus on an introduction, conservation methods, and summing up with the conclusion. Expanding on these concepts, the importance of sustainable agriculture becomes even more  apparent when considering the long-term impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Indigenous practices often emphasize the harmony between farming activities and the local environment, promoting biodiversity and resilience in agricultural systems. Techniques such as polyculture and agroforestry integrate diverse plant species and trees into farming landscapes, enhancing soil fertility and providing habitat for beneficial organisms. Additionally, water conservation strategies, including rainwater harvesting and efficient irrigation techniques, play a critical role in maintaining water resources.



How to cite this article: Aarushi Chhibber, Eco-Friendly Agriculture. International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 2024; 10(01): 21-25p.

How to cite this URL: Aarushi Chhibber, Eco-Friendly Agriculture. International Journal of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. 2024; 10(01): 21-25p. Available from:


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