Challenges Faced by Elderly Population: An Overview

Volume: 07 | Issue: 01 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Geriatric Nursing
Received Date: 04/21/2024
Acceptance Date: 05/01/2024
Published On: 2024-05-10
First Page: 15
Last Page: 21

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By: Lt Col Dr Regina. P.F.


India is a country of vast physical and cultural diversity, where 72% of the world’s second-largest population resides in rural areas experiencing various levels of socio-economic change. The population segment over 60 years of age is expanding, introducing distinct challenges. Often perceived as frail, the elderly depend on younger family members for support, with elderly women especially reliant on their male offspring. Key issues affecting the elderly include inadequate physical infrastructure, insufficient companionship, mental health concerns, lack of financial resources, and limited emergency services. Common health ailments among the elderly are cardiovascular diseases and problems with mobility. The family, community, and stakeholders has to take necessary measures to minimize the problems. Awareness to the younger generation regarding elder care has a vital role.

Keywords: elderly, problems, health issues, dependent, challenges.



How to cite this article: Lt Col Dr Regina. P.F., Challenges Faced by Elderly Population: An Overview. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2024; 07(01): 15-21p.

How to cite this URL: Lt Col Dr Regina. P.F., Challenges Faced by Elderly Population: An Overview. International Journal of Geriatric Nursing. 2024; 07(01): 15-21p. Available from:


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