Smart Cow Shelter Temperature Monitoring System

Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits
Received Date: 10/18/2024
Acceptance Date: 11/08/2024
Published On: 2024-11-20
First Page: 31
Last Page: 40

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By: Vaishnavi Siddheshwar Jadhavpatil, Neha Ajinath More, Sanika Dhondiram Godase, Ms Payal Shivaji Bagal, Kishor p. Jadhav, and Sonali D. Ghodake

1.Vaishnavi Siddheshwar Jadhavpatil, Under Graduate students,Department of Mechanical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India
2.Neha Ajinath More,Under Graduate students,Department of Mechanical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India
3. Sanika Dhondiram Godase3,Under Graduate students,Department of Mechanical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India
4. Ms. Payal Shivaji Bagal4, Under Graduate students,Department of Mechanical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India
5.Kishor P. Jadhav,Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India
6. Sonali D. Ghodake, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering , SKN Sinhgad College of Engineering Korti, Pandharpur, Maharashtra 413304, India


This paper presents the Smart Cow Shelter Temperature Monitoring System, utilizing an Arduino and DHT11 sensor to enhance livestock welfare through automated environmental monitoring. Technology overcomes the drawbacks of manual techniques by continuously monitoring temperature and humidity. The Arduino microcontroller processes real-time data from the DHT11 sensor. Visual indicators (LEDs) and an alert system (buzzer) notify farmers when conditions exceed safe thresholds, allowing for timely interventions. Testing demonstrated the system’s effectiveness in accurately monitoring and responding to environmental changes, significantly reducing the time required for manual checks. This innovative approach not only promotes better animal health but also improves farm management efficiency. Future enhancements may include loT integration for remote monitoring, further advancing precision agriculture. Overall, this project highlights the critical role of technology in modern livestock management, emphasizing the need for automated solutions to ensure optimal living conditions for cows.

Keywords: Animal Welfare, Smart Farming, Automation, Wi-Fi Module, Safety.



How to cite this article: Vaishnavi Siddheshwar Jadhavpatil, Neha Ajinath More, Sanika Dhondiram Godase, Ms Payal Shivaji Bagal, Kishor p. Jadhav, and Sonali D. Ghodake, Smart Cow Shelter Temperature Monitoring System. International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits. 2024; 10(02): 31-40p.

How to cite this URL: Vaishnavi Siddheshwar Jadhavpatil, Neha Ajinath More, Sanika Dhondiram Godase, Ms Payal Shivaji Bagal, Kishor p. Jadhav, and Sonali D. Ghodake, Smart Cow Shelter Temperature Monitoring System. International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits. 2024; 10(02): 31-40p. Available from:


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