One-Step Fabrication of Superomniphobic Pvdf-HFPSiO2Membrane for Long-Term CO2 Absorption inMembrane Gas Absorption System

Volume: 10 | Issue: 02 | Year 2024 | Subscription
International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices
Received Date: 08/05/2024
Acceptance Date: 09/30/2024
Published On: 2024-11-30
First Page: 35
Last Page: 44

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By: Yee Jack Lai Yong Jie, Pei Ching Oh, and Loo Thiam Leng Chew

1Department of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia.
2CO2 Research Centre (CO2RES), Institute of Contaminant Management, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia.
3School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.


Membrane pore wetting is one of the major challenges for membrane gas absorption, especially when
low surface tension liquid absorbents such as amine absorbents are utilized. To minimize diffusion
resistance across the membrane, maintaining a non-wetted operating mode in membrane gas
absorption is crucial. In this study, a superomniphobic polyvinylidene fluoride-cohexafluoropropylene
membrane was fabricated by adding silica nanoparticles (SiO2) in an ethanol
coagulation bath through non-solvent-induced phase separation. The surface properties and longterm
CO2 absorption performance in membrane gas absorption system was analyzed. The
incorporation of SiO2 contributed to the formation of a hierarchical structure composed of microscale
polymer spherulites and nanoscale SiO2. The fabricated membrane achieved water and
methyldiethanolamine contact angles of 160.28° and 152.11°, respectively. Long-term CO2
absorption stability experiments were conducted by immersing the synthesized membrane in
methyldiethanolamine solution for 0, 3, and 6 days. Compared to the pristine membrane, the
superomniphobic membrane was able to sustain 81.88% and 74.44% of CO2 absorption flux after 3
days and 6 days of methyldiethanolamine immersion, respectively, which can be attributed to the
improved wetting resistance.



How to cite this article: Yee Jack Lai Yong Jie, Pei Ching Oh, and Loo Thiam Leng Chew, One-Step Fabrication of Superomniphobic Pvdf-HFPSiO2Membrane for Long-Term CO2 Absorption inMembrane Gas Absorption System. International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices. 2024; 10(02): 35-44p.

How to cite this URL: Yee Jack Lai Yong Jie, Pei Ching Oh, and Loo Thiam Leng Chew, One-Step Fabrication of Superomniphobic Pvdf-HFPSiO2Membrane for Long-Term CO2 Absorption inMembrane Gas Absorption System. International Journal of Composite Materials and Matrices. 2024; 10(02): 35-44p. Available from:


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