By: Sahal Shoukathali, Anusree M., Muhammed Vasil, Abhishek Ashok, and Fousiya K.
1-4-Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, College of Engineering Trikaripur, Kasaragod,
Kerala, India
5-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, College of Engineering Trikaripur, Kasaragod,
Kerala, India
Electric hazards associated to transmission lines are a big worry when negotiating India’s complex
electrical distribution network. According to estimates from the National Crime Records Bureau, about
one lakh individuals have perished from electrocution in only the last ten years. The average yearly
death toll increased from approximately 11,000 to 12,500 between 2021 and 2025. According to CEI Electrical. Accident Statistics, it has reached 13,855 by 2023. Transmission line mishaps, especially in
the LT Line, are a significant contributing element to these disasters. The conventional safety system
does not provide sufficient safety and cannot keep up with new technology developments. Our
innovative method seeks to enhance power distribution and avoid accidents by quickly identifying issues
on the transmission lines. The dual-post system is made up of Node-MCU controllers and Raspberry Pi
(RPI) boards. RPI coordinates data processing, street light regulation and central control. The wireless
communication, line break detection and street light activation are all controlled by the Node-MCU.
Relay-controlled street lights are efficient in adjusting both human inputs and external circumstances.
The Node-MCU’s potentiometer-based circuit quickly identifies and logs line breaks. Enhancing theft
detection, a current sensor tracks the load on a light that is actuated by a push button. For prompt
action, RPI receives real-time data on theft attempts and line breaks. Users are empowered with remote
control of street lights and theft notifications; thanks to seamless Android app integration. We can save
important human lives and avoid accidents brought on by electrical hazards by putting this technology
into practice.
Keywords: IoT, line breakage detection, accident prevention, fault location detection, remote street
light control
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