By: Yamini N. Deshvena and Sushmita M. Deshpande
1Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivji Institute of Engineering & Management Studies, Parbhani, Maharashtra, India
2PG Student, Civil Engineering Department, Shri Shivji Institute of Engineering & Management Studies, Maharashtra, Parbhani, India
Geotechnical and geological engineering are foundational disciplines that play a critical role in the
design, construction, and sustainability of civil infrastructure, as well as in hazard mitigation and
effective resource management. This paper delves into the intersection of geotechnical and geological
engineering, underscoring the essential role of comprehensive site investigations, the study of soil and
rock mechanics, foundation design principles, and slope stability analysis. The paper highlights the
importance of these elements in ensuring the safety, durability, and resilience of infrastructure.
Moreover, it emphasizes the growing necessity of interdisciplinary collaboration between
geotechnical and geological engineers to tackle increasingly complex challenges in modern
engineering projects, such as urban expansion, climate change, and natural disaster risks. Through
an analysis of relevant case studies and emerging trends, we explore innovative approaches like
ground improvement techniques, advanced foundation systems, and geotechnical risk management
strategies that have been successfully implemented in contemporary engineering projects.
Additionally, the paper considers the future role of digital technologies, including Building
Information Modeling, remote sensing, and artificial intelligence, in revolutionizing geotechnical and
geological engineering practices. These technologies have the potential to significantly enhance
infrastructure resilience, operational efficiency, and the accuracy of geotechnical assessments.
Ultimately, the paper aims to provide a forward-looking perspective on how digital advancements,
combined with traditional engineering expertise, will shape the future of infrastructure development
and management in a rapidly evolving world.
Keywords: Geological engineering, site investigation, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, foundation
design, slope stability, interdisciplinary collaboration, ground improvement techniques, geotechnical
risk management, infrastructure resilience
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