By: Shiny Chittibabu V
Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Lowry Adventist Nursing College,Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The geriatric populations are suffering from different types of non- communicable diseases, like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, visual and hearing impairment among which osteoarthritis and visual impairment is considered as most prevalent in old age people. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the current knowledge levels of elderly individuals concerning the management of specific physical issues, evaluate the effectiveness of a structured teaching program on this knowledge by comparing mean scores from pre-tests and post-tests, and investigate the relationship between pre-test knowledge scores and selected socio-demographic factors. Methods: The research involved 60 elderly participants from chosen old age homes and utilized a quantitative pre-experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test format. Participants were chosen using purposive sampling, and data were collected with a Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. A Planned Teaching Program (PTP) was subsequently conducted. Results: The results indicated that the average pre-test knowledge scores were 73.3%, reflecting an insufficient level of knowledge among the participants. Conversely, post-test scores demonstrated that 83.3% of the participants had attained adequate knowledge regarding the management of specific physical issues. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between certain socio-demographic variables and the mean pre-test knowledge scores of the elderly participants. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the structured teaching program effectively improved the knowledge of elderly participants concerning the management of selected physical problems.
Key Words: Planned Teaching Program, Physical problems, Elderly, knowledge, participants concerning
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