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By: Swapan Deep Dhanopia, Janvi Ashwinkumar Chauhan, Kashyap Shailendrakumar Jani, Krupa Bharatbhai Kalani, Sachinkumar Sureshbhai Kharadi, Ekta Chandrakant Macwan, Prayerson Jayantibahi Macwan, Rushika Prafullbhai Marwadi, Kinjalben Kanubhai Ninama, Jigarkumar Rajeshbhai Panchal, Nikitaben Kanubhai Parmar, Sandhyaben Gulabbhai Parmar, Ektaben Piyushbhai Patel, Heenaben Yogeshkumar Patel, Kunj Vasantbhai Patel, Dhartiben Pravinbhai Prajapati, and Shilpaben Gordhanbhai Solanki
1Research Scholar, Department of Nursing, Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing, CHARUSAT University, Gujarat, India.
2Researcher, Department of Nursing, Manikaka Topawala Institute of Nursing, CHARUSAT University, Gujarat, India
The coronavirus is not spread through properly cooked food, as cooking safely eliminates the virus. However, the virus can be transmitted through food products if it survives on their surfaces for several days. In this context, there is a prerequisite that along with grocery store owners, salesman and vendors, the consumers need to follow hygiene practices, wear mask, wash hands frequently, maintain social distancing, use sanitizer, wash the food items properly, dry them, etc. before using the food items for cooking. Quantitative research approach was adopted in the research design. This study utilized a cross-sectional design and was conducted in designated areas of Anand District, Gujarat. The study utilized a convenient non-probability sampling method, with a total of 100 participants chosen based on specific criteria. The data collection tool consisted of two sections: the first section gathered demographic information about grocery storekeepers, while the second section included 20 multiple-choice questions, each with four options, to assess their knowledge of COVID-19. The collected data were analyzed according to the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistics, such as frequency and percentage, were used for data summary, and inferential statistics, including the chi-square test at a significance level of p < 0.05, were applied to test the hypotheses. The result shows that majority 53 (53%) grocery store keepers belongs to age group > 40 years, Maximum 98 (98%) grocery store keepers were male. Majority 97 (97%) grocery store keepers were belonged to Hindu religion, Maximum 39 (39%) grocery store keepers were having their education between 1st to 10th standard. Majority 39 (39%) were having their income > 15000 per month. Majority 60 (60%) were having work area Urban. Maximum 78 (78%) were did not received any previous training and health education regarding COVID 19. The study concluded that maximum 65 (65%) grocery store keepers were having Average knowledge score (8-15) regarding COVID 19. Therefore, awareness programs can be organized to enhance grocery storekeepers’ understanding of COVID-19.
Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, COVID 19, Grocery store, Grocery store keepers.
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