By: Jisa K. Sabu, Chinnu U.S., Sujatha S., Adhil Muhammad N, Mithul Santhosh, and Sanath Solaman
1-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
2-Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
3-Student, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
4-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
5-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
6-Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Baselios Mathews II, College of Engineering, Sasthamcottah, Kerala, India
Transmission line protection is essential since 80–86% of power system issues are related to transmission lines. This study suggests a way to classify and identify different types of short circuit faults on transmission lines. There are several operating and fault conditions on high-voltage line transmission, such as L-L fault, single phase to earth fault, and double line fault. Proteus Professional 8 software simulates three fault scenarios: triple line fault, triple line to ground fault, and triple line. The connected devices to the electricity grid are harmed by these defects. This work’s primary goal is to identify the type of transmission line problem and analyse different sorts of defects. For modelling and assessing the different faults, a transmission line model spanning 100 km was developed. There was a fault block in a basic power system block library, and the harmonic content of the different faults was examined along with the effects of the faults. Based on the research, a hardware model is created that uses an ESP32 processor and actuating relays to detect transmission line defects and display the type of fault and its distance from the source.
Keywords: Transmission line, ESP 32 microcontroller, Double line fault, Actuating relays, Powergrid
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